@devon15deithorn If you experience an issue trying to connect to a server, go to the DayZ Experimental's Local Files, and delete the "bliss" folder.
@devon15deithorn Also, join these 2 servers which can be found in the Community Tab. They will be running with tweaks to the infected spawn system:
DayZ DE 1-3 (Experimental/Unstable) DayZ DE 1-4 (Experimental/Unstable)
The patch 1.06 is now available on the Experimental Servers for PC. Read here for the patch notes:
📸 @devon15deithorn
@Terry19277086 Not today.
📢 Hello Survivors
We would like to remind everyone that we still haven't announced the release date for Livonia DLC. We will release it without a prior announcement, and it will be soon! Here is the link that got many people confused:
@jacobbrett12345 We haven't announced a date yet.
@blueasthesky76: Never stop exploring #mydayz #livonia
@piersonsrock13 @Kean_111 @CoNNFarnworth @MustyChapstick We know, and if you have something you would like to report feel free to use this link to do it:
Be kind to one another 😂
@hiesenburgh We never announced any release date in the first place.
@Mercs_007 @MustyChapstick We haven't announced the release date yet.
@Kean_111 @CoNNFarnworth @MustyChapstick We are looking into everything you've mentioned.
@BGTBigTy Thank you for the information. If you can, please use the following link and provide us as much information as possible: Thank you!
@trkzn @MustyChapstick We are aware and already working on it!
@Tiedwidespread7 @MustyChapstick We still haven't announced it officially ;)
@paranoialq @MustyChapstick :')
@CoNNFarnworth @MustyChapstick Only the terrain will be paid. Everything from the 1.06 including the fishing, new guns and even the bear will be in Chernarus :)
Did you participate in the DayZ Livonia Open Beta for PC?
How was your experience in #Livonia ?
📸 @MustyChapstick
@J_Bomb1115 Yes.
Today at 4pm CET, we are deploying a patch that aims to improve server stability on the PlayStation 4.
This small patch will be applied directly to the servers, no download will be required on your consoles.
There will be a server downtime of about 30 minutes.