Tell me about your first encounter with a bear in Livonia.
📸 @T3F3PT
At your own risk!
📸 @grijkee
Tag a friend and invite them to #SurviveLivonia with you this weekend.
📸 @punchymcslap
@drew_durden88 @BaronessOnDayZ We are aware and working on it!
@esponga4 @BaronessOnDayZ
Anyone up for a walk in the woods?
📸 @BaronessOnDayZ
@HenleyFrey71 ^ @DayZ
@TheRunningManZ @RageBruh We are looking into it.
@Yusufbaker113 Yes it is!
How was your first day in Livonia?
📸 @RageBruh
@Fappincatt It has to be set by the server owner.
@Iza_R6 When you tap G you get in the throwing stance, when you hold G you drop the item you have in your hands. Double tapping G shouldn't do anything.
@marcel80478355 We've adjusted the maximum health of items, and therefore some gear of players will have changed its condition for the better or worse.
To combat the issue with servers not spawning loot/infected, we will restart those servers and reset their persistence to the state of earlier today. Your characters should not be affected. We apologise for the inconvenience.
@Spaggie @DayZ Thanks, sure I'm. I miss you too folks, such an amazing community!
Congrats to the @DayZ team to finish and release #Livonia DLC! Good job, I'm looking forward to playing it!
We deployed an update to fix the server access issue on PC. You can restart your client or verify your game files to receive the update.
If you encounter a server that is not spawning loot or infected, please send us the server name, your platform, and ideally if it is on Livonia or Chernarus.
We are aware of the issue preventing players to join servers due to missing files. It does not mean you require the DLC. We are looking into it and working to resolve it. We apologise for the inconvenience.