The update should go live on your consoles in 15 minutes from now, private servers will receive the update afterwards.
We are now taking the console servers offline for the server browser hotfix. We are monitoring the results of this hotfix and will gradually let the activation of private servers continue, as soon as we can confirm the fix to be working.
📷 ChernarusArjen
@TheDevRoss @bohemiainteract Should work now. There was an issue with the server termination during a restart. :)
Due to a service update by our server provider (not game-related), we will have sudden restarts of our official console and PC servers today around the following times:
EU 9:00 a.m. CEST US 12:00 a.m. CEST Asia 12:00 a.m. CEST
@falloutman78 @Nitrado_EN We appologize for inconvinience. We are working on it, soon should be solved.
@Smileys_Tv We had no info on time back then. Right now hotfix is going through internal testing - pre ordered servers will be addressed once this hotfix goes out.
Yesterday's stream uploaded to YouTube. We spoke about known issues, including servers and NVG - timestamps are in description. Go check the answers:
How well do you know your guns? 🔫🔫🔫 We are preparing 1.05 for you 🔫🔫🔫
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 ThatTwitchLad
@MilkyTF94 We'll upload to YouTube
We are live!
@MorwenNightgael @nitrado is our hosting partner for private console servers. :)
@FastFlank Can you give us any further details or a video of the issue?
@Philipp41892898 Playing with us during stream - for PS4 players only. News, answers and interactions are for all platforms.
@griffer004 Developers will be fixing issues, while we stream. Thankfully DayZ team also have non-developer members.
@DonSibleyGames We can, but just a little.
@MoldyPork You can play SG and watch us <3
We will be playing on the PS4 build, viewers are welcome to join. :)