We are now shutting down the PS4 and Xbox Servers in preparation of the new 1.04 update. Details on the update will be provided once it hits your consoles.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
๐ท TheRejectDevil
We've prepared @humble bundle for you! It's out now, go check this sweet deal:
@XxL0LMIST3RxX @Ravplays PC only during Alpha
๐ Survivor GameZ
We released an update and most critical issues are solved: server stability, matchmaking and loot distribution.
Another 5k of keys went out on Friday - please check your spam and promotion folders.
๐ท @Ravplays
@GRiTG0D @EA_Sports85 @Derlethe @cooky85 Norway gets cold.
@LoganLrisner5 @RageBruh No.
@Philipp41892898 @RageBruh More news to come this week.
1.04 update will be released Tomorrow, 7th of August. We will post detailed patch notes together with it.
โ ๏ธRemember: update comes with complete character and server wipe.
@DerkPerscert It's features&fixes from both (1.03 and 1.04) in one update.
@SoCloseToFast1 Impossible.
1.04 update successfully passed the review. Update is coming next week. NOT on Monday.
@tip_rob @Molly___Magoo We did.
Please be advised, the Xbox and PS4 servers will be down due to maintenance today 10:00 - 12:00 (CET).
๐ท @Molly___Magoo