
DayZ Dev Tracker

07 Jul

    ImpulZ on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi guys, we are releasing a new hotfix for 1.08. Focus will be on mitigating the performance issues caused by 1.08.

Version: 1.08.153258



Added: The damage state of the Fence / Watchtower parts is now visible in the hud (the dot next to the targets name)


Fixed: Containers with liquid did not have their correct weight after filling

Fixed: Performance issues around bigger bases, which could also lead to client crashes


Tweaked: Lowered intensity of sun shafts


The damaged states will not be displayed on the fences and watchtowers

02 Jul

    ImpulZ on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi guys, we have the first hotfix for the 1.08 update going live. We are aware of the current performance issues and crashes, and the team is looking into them as we speak. As soon as we can verify a fix for them, it will be deployed to you as a separate hotfix.

Version: 1.08.153251



Fixed: Tents could be placed from large height differences

Fixed: Loading a bullet could cause the weapon to break

Fixed: Holding an item on quickbar while opening the inventory would end up with the widget getting stuck

Fixed: It was not possible to stack bark in the fireplace

Fixed: Items did not have a proper weight when split in the inventory

Fixed: It was possible to refill a ruined radiator in a car

Fixed: Dismantling the first floor of the watchtower would set the watchtower to a ruined state

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    ImpulZ on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi guys, we have the first hotfix for the 1.08 update going live. The console version will receive this update shortly as well. We are aware of the current performance issues, and the team is looking into them as we speak. As soon as we can verify a fix for them, it will be deployed to you as a separate hotfix.

Version: 1.08.153251



Fixed: Tents could be placed from large height differences

Fixed: Loading a bullet could cause the weapon to break

Fixed: Holding an item on quickbar while opening the inventory would end up with the widget getting stuck

Fixed: It was not possible to stack bark in the fireplace

Fixed: Items did not have a proper weight when split in the inventory

Fixed: It was possible to refill a ruined radiator in a car

Fixed: Dismantling the first floor of the watchtower...

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01 Jul

30 Jun

    JanBI on Steam - Thread - Direct
Bohemia Interactive has added a new hunting rifle: the "Sporter 22". The rifle uses .22 ammunition (added to the game via the 1.05 update last year), comes with various magazines, and has the ability to mount a hunting scope. And speaking of long-range engagements, the Sway and Hold Breath mechanics have been adjusted, which should make distance shooting a bit easier.

New base building improvements focus on the balance-of-destruction of various structures, such as fences, watchtowers, and tent objects, and the update also includes the addition of the Canopy Tent, Indoor Fireplace (oven), and Direct Cooking Slots (fireplace grill for meat). Additionally, the update comprises general gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, and UX improvements.

Finally, 1.08 will bring an updated Saint Roman Ski Resort, Biathlon shooting range, and a race track to the ChernarusPlus terrain.
For a full rundown of details and patch notes, check out the accompanying ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].