Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

17 Feb

    Goblin_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for sharing the video here! We're looking forward to implementing these changes and we hope you're looking forward to it too

14 Feb

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tenshi___13: well, ok then I respond.
No 400% for me so far. "Only" 250% as survivor.

Looking at your account, could you relaunch the game please and see if that resolves it?
    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tenshi___13: well, ok then I respond.
No 400% for me so far. "Only" 250% as survivor.
thank you
    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KrakenGreywolf:
Originally posted by amanda_bhvr: I'm going to ignore hte comments about "official account lied" as I understand your frustration - but please, be more careful of your language in future here.

For anyone who's still not seeing the 400% MMI on the 2v8 queue in game, please respond to this thread, thank you.

I do see the 400% in 1v4 (and I assume 2v8-haven’t played it today). However-dev notes suggested that there was going to be a 3x bloodpoin...
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    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to ignore the comments about "official account lied" as I understand your frustration - but please, be more careful of your language in future here.

For anyone who's still not seeing the 400% MMI on the 2v8 queue in game, please respond to this thread, thank you.

10 Feb

    Goblin_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The team is currently investigating the issue, we're sorry that it's causing frustration
    Goblin_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We appreciate you all for taking the time to write down your thoughts here. I'll get all the feedback back to the team. I'll also be keeping an eye on the thread for any more feedback about Legion in this mode as well, as we're definitely interested to know what everyone thinks.

04 Feb

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TaylorSWF: Is anyone else experiencing this? Can anyone recommend a solution?
Is this still happening, is it every match?

27 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can only get information from 3rd party websites that have been set up to get the information from the players that have signed up to it, so the stats are not fully accurate at all.

We put out our own stats, but we will not work with a 3rd party to create a website based off of our information.

27 May

    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Happy Birthday!: Thanks for the swift reply!
I do have to ask now though, would I need to be a content creator with a visible track record of expertise in the game? I can't imagine many other ways to prove such a thing without meeting that criteria, as visible gameplay would be the simplest way to verify.
That's unfortunately one thing I am not, as I lack the actual hardware to stream or make videos effectively. The one time I did stream DBD, under a dozen people watched as I had 12 FPS on the recording (despite my game running a smooth framerate), and apparently only my voice as audio lol.
Great question, and don't worry, it's not necessary to be a content creator. Some of the consultants are and oth... Read more
    Peanits on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's great to see your interest in joining the program, but unfortunately there is no way to apply at this time. The program is invite only: Each of our consultants are hand picked experts from the community. All positions are filled at the moment, but some spots may open up in the future.

A few of the things we look for in a consultant are:
  • Trustworthy, as they are given information early
  • A wide range of experience within the game (and ideally experts in certain areas)
  • Able to provide constructive feedback
  • Able to maintain a civil discussion with people who have differing opinions
  • Able to set aside biases when giving feedback or acknowledge that their biases may be influencing their opinions

If/when the time comes to bring on new consultants, we'll be looking for players who showcase those characteristics!

22 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This actually is a bug - you should not get 0 perks at all.

It seems to be connected to levelling up a character or prestiging whilst in the lobby, our team is aware and they are investigating it, but it's not possible to get a fix prior to the modifier ending I'm afraid.

26 Apr

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Whilst we are very aware of the frustration around the rubberbanding / hitching, fixing a bug that could seriously injure someone by them having seizures has to be priority.

24 Apr

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are investigating an issue in the game that causes strobing/flashing lights, and are focused on fixing it as soon as possible. Some players may be impacted by this issue and experience discomfort from it, so we recommend taking proper precautions.

And until we fix this issue, we recommend that players with photosensitivity, or who have an epileptic condition or have had seizures of any kind consult their physician before playing.

23 Apr

    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

The Huntress' Were-Elk Outfit is Visceral rarity and that is the normal price for all future Visceral Outfits.
    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Danzan:
Originally posted by Crazy muffin: I think the dev forgot to update the text for ultimate weapon cause its still the aura reading text hahaha
I don't understand, does this perk show the auras of survivors or make everyone close to the locker scream now?

It currently should so the auras of Survivors, as mentioned in the 7.7.0 Patch Notes :)
    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Crazy muffin: I think the dev forgot to update the text for ultimate weapon cause its still the aura reading text hahaha

Ultimate Weapon was changed to the PTB version with today's update, so the aura reading text is correct.

The changes mentioned in the most recent Dev Update will happen in a future update.

04 Apr

    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by eel337: question about the ptb. Did anyone else get auric cells for loading in? I didn't do anything to get them so I'm a little confused, and idk if i can spend them or not

Everyone should have gotten them on the PTB! They are there to test out the Store on the PTB but please note that the AC won't transfer over to the Live build.

07 Mar

    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Can't Be Touched: What's the "major" update about Wicked? It's still the same, or do I miss something?
The PTB had an older version of Wicked - that used Tokens and allowed Survivors to recover from Mangled faster.

We made a note on the PTB patch notes that it would be changing before the live release; that version is what was included in the most recent Dev Update.

30 Jan

    dance_BHVR on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not entirely sure which reworks you mean, but Update 7.5.0 brought changes to The Hillbilly and The Onryo. The Blight's Add-ons were also adjusted with today's update.