@HermanTheDoctor We're doing all we can to keep you in the loop! 💗
@ArronSwarm We're glad you're enjoying it!
@lil_juicebox24 We've temporarily disabled the offering to ensure that the map is stable. The team is still monitoring the situation and we'll provide an update when we can. 👀
@JamSwoosh That is correct - the offering is temporarily disabled while we monitor the stability of the map. We'll give you all an update when we can!
@Darkwalker168 The team's working on it! Here's to hoping for a quick fix. 💗
The situation is now stable, but we will continue to keep an eye out for any additional issues. Thanks for your patience on this!
The team is aware of the recent reports of timeout messages and infinite loads when finding a public match. We're actively investigating and will provide an update when possible!
@Arctic_Law_YT It is definitely a top prio! We know it's been a long wait, but the team is still actively working on improving performance on consoles. Thanks for all your patience while we work on a fix! 💗
@FatalRiottt We appreciate you too, friend 💗
@xMrRaccoon We, the Twitter Entity, appreciate you. 💗
@ChaoticGay1014 They should be stacking! That said, we've seen a few reports of this and have reported it to the team. 👀
@_crybabylys The team's on it! We'll provide you all with an update when we have one. 💗
@renatovion We're working on it! No ETA yet, but we'll update you all when we have a more concrete answer. 💗
@jayson_wyler No one could withstand the power of shirtless Felix.
@Igglyboo Your connection (jk, jk - it's affecting others, too):
@GladueJoshua We'll let you all know when we have more info to share! 👍
@Coreypalooza As a Survivor, you will need to escape the match with the Crown to have it in your inventory. As a Killer, you will simply need to finish a public match. Hope this helps!
@HPhoenix10 The RPD Badge is temporarily disabled until we can confirm that the Raccoon City Police Station map is fully stable across all consoles. We'll provide you all with an update on the offerings when we can!
@xi0mara1 A crown for a queen. 👑
@derpbydaylight Us channeling our energies into finding a Crown: