@Dan56510221 Looking good so far! Make sure to drop it in #dbdcosplay so we can take a look once it's finished.
@jacky_mind I know right?
@saminating A solid choice.
You can only rock around the clock in one of these outfits. Which would you choose?
@Bellathekid269 To be fair, I'm sure there's been a few parties there too.
@SmallBrainOni I regret to inform you that we were not able to accept your application at this time. Please enjoy this complimentary sticker.
@ChadDemogorgon Everyone is a member of that club by default.
What is Yun-Jin's profession?
What is the gas that The Trickster used in his last show?
Which of these is NOT one of Yun-Jin's perks?
What broke out in the studio?
We've received your application to The Trickster Fanclub. To complete your application, please answer the following questions.
True or false: The Trickster's first name is Ji-Woon.
@Duskclaw26 Wow, that's beautiful! I respect that you still drew on the abs.
@LuminiousDBD What have you done. I'm going to see faces forever.
@DeviusQC I am in utter disbelief, it turns out he's been throwing spoons this whole time.
@PEACHVALENTlNE This is both so sad and so cute at the same time, and I both love it and feel bad for her.
@jokester_71 65%? It's at least 4% more than that.
I get the feeling I'll be seeing this a lot in the future. 😆
@IDwightl1 Do I send your nephew the bill for the therapy I now need or...?
@notaslxcal So that's what he's hiding under there.
@mimeface Love the way you worked the lore into it. Great work!