@Charlie_Burns_ Thank youuuuu 😄🥳✨
@RoanOake100 Thanks for taking the time to fill out the survey! and thanks for being awesome!
@TheFunTimeMare Enjoy :)!
@C4R4_ Ta-dah ! 🎉✨
@Gilbert_ElBarto Could you try restarting the game, and then your system if that doesn't fix it? If you're still missing your progress, please reach out to us here and we'll make it right:
@FatKidFlashback Nope. This login reward will let you temporarily go over 1,000,000 points, but you'll stop earning points eventually until you spend enough to drop below a million again.
@Daniel13867673 Yep, you can use whichever 4th perk you want.
@zeeker03 Wanna trade teammates?
@Camophlo Honestly, you won the match if you picked up shack pallet. You win the entire game if you stun someone with it twice.
How many pallets can you pick up in one match? #DeadbyDaylight #DBD
@Brr_Toon 🥳🎉
🎁 The Anniversary Event has been extended for an extra week until July 14th 11AM ET. Also, any player logging in before the above date will receive 444,444 Bloodpoints for free! #DBD #Deadbydaylight Have fun!
Just a heads up; we needed a bit more time to get the 4.1.0 Player Test Build ready. The PTB will now start on Wednesday, July 8th. See you all then! #DeadbyDaylight #DBD