Starting May 30th, Xbox Game Pass members are invited to join us in the Fog. #DeadbyDaylight #XBOX
@Fisy47700656 You didn't ask? 🤔
@ElkLiz Right there: And here too:
@Samklomp1 Granted.
@futureguy33 #PressFforCarl
@ManLikeLacaa In the Design panel we will welcome Mat Walker our Level designer and he will talk about maps. And maybe shrimps. But mostly maps! Make sure to tune in.
@ArkanolMadness @thaNUTophobia My bad, that was obvious.
@FlareXYZ The killers that were selected were the ones we released this year!
@JoyStique You look absolutely stunning! Very well done! 👑
@kitkat395 *Heartbeat noises*
@PaulieEsther1 But will you really be able to sleep? 🤔
@ItsAMeInvasion We are too! We have so much to show! I am also secretly hoping for cupcakes.
@thaNUTophobia That's a suspicious amount of survivors in a game. 🤔
#DeadbyDaylight #3YearsAnniversary
@KiroMaticz @LucasAaronJanda
@EQWashu This is the pun police, you are under arrest. 🚨🚔🚨