@jacobmjudge Better RT everything else, too... Just in case.
@itskyoji She's just waiting patiently for the right moment.
@MedvedEthan Your monitor in 7 days if you don't RT the video, though.
@thejustryan Better be safe than sorry with an RT.
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@Jackstheghost @talondal_ While the previous description referred to the use of protective hairstyles by athletes, it failed to take into consideration the cultural significance of cornrows and made a negative statement about the hairstyle that we didn’t intend.
@talondal_ Thank you for giving visibility to this issue, and we're sorry it took us a while to address it. Your concerns were echoed by others in the community and reflect a failure on our part. We apologize and will be amending the description in the next patch.
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Why did Yoichi's career unravel?
Cryptozoology is the study of _________ animals.
Who disappeared near a lighthouse in Scotland?
Where did Yoichi take his fishing boat?
What did Yoichi study in university?
Our boy's all grown up. Time to test your emphatic connection with Yoichi's lore quiz. 📓
@applejuice503 Those are the same dates. The first post was the announcement, and this one's to let ya' know that it's live.
From now until Mar 7, earn 1.5x the BP from all matches.
@DhT_dbd Very shortly. We'll do a proper announcement once it's live!
@TobiaszLasecki You'll still be able to play, the top & bottom of the screen will just be letterboxed to 16:9 to prevent an unfair advantage.
@HugeHoncho Full patch notes will be released along with the update. We try to announce changes like these ahead of time so you know what to expect on launch day rather than leaving it a surprise.
@robloxf78024382 She is indeed