Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Dev Tracker

21 Oct


Tome V features new kinds of challenges: take on the role of a Survivor and interact with the Pustula Flowers that have bloomed throughout The Entity’s Realm to harvest them for rewards and Bloodpoints. Complete new Killer Challenges exclusive to The Blight to uncover the story of Talbot Grimes’ slow descent into madness.

As you brave your way through haunting new challenges, you will uncover the never-seen-before memories of Talbot Grimes (The Blight), Nea Karlsson, and Max Thompson Jr. (The Hillbilly)!

The destructive instinct—fighting, torturing, killing. Experiences buried deep within our hearts waiting for the slightest provocation to be unleashed. Yet looking closer we sometimes find a passion not for destruction but for something else… Something far more creative, intricate and complex. When the scales of justice a... Read more
Vom 21. Oktober bis zum 4. November wird das Reich des Entitus in eine makabre Feier verwandelt – mit speziellen Event-Haken und -Generatoren, die Euch sogar noch mehr Blutpunkte verdienen lassen.

Das Event „Die Ewige Fäule“ verheißt die Rückkehr der Pustelblume in den Nebel. Mit ihr kommen Halloween-Gegenstände und Zusätze aus vergangenen Jahren sowie ein paar neue Ergänzungen, die Euch reichlich Gutes bescheren. Außerdem wird es ein paar Tricks geben, die Ihr entdecken könnt. Das Event bringt Euch das letzte Kapitel aus dem Handlungsbogen „Die Heilige Fäule“, der 2018 begann.
In Foliant V: ENTFESSELT bietet das Auris-Netz des Beobachters neue Herausforderungen im Halloween-Design. Übernehmt die Rolle eines Überlebenden und interagiert mit der Pustelblume, die überall im Reich des Entitus blüht. Erntet sie, um Belohnungen und Blutpunkte zu bekommen. Wagt Euch in die Prüfungen und schließt Herausforderungen ab, die exklusiv für die Fäule sind, um die Story von Talbot Gr... Read more
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Adrian-the-Wallachian:
Originally posted by Gay Myers (Luzi): They made it consistent in regards of the Aura reading. T1 used to be better than T3, not anymore now though. I'd assume that's why the change was made and 96m is a huge range. I think it won't really be that much of an issue, cause most of the time gens are that close to you already.
The problem is that the sound notification only triggers the first time now, and that the range is awful at lower ranks. That, ...
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    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They made it consistent in regards of the Aura reading. T1 used to be better than T3, not anymore now though. I'd assume that's why the change was made and 96m is a huge range. I think it won't really be that much of an issue, cause most of the time gens are that close to you already.
    Gay Myers (Luzi) on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you mean you're getting a new pc, then you won't lose anything. You can't transfer pc to PS4 or XBOX though. Cross progression (be wary of connecting it right now due to issues currently going on that are being investigated) is only possible right now between Steam and Stadia, Switch soon to come.

20 Oct


RELEASE SCHEDULE The times listed below are estimates and can vary slightly, please don't panic if you don't see the update right away.

STEAM Planned: 11:00 AM EDT


PS4 Planned: 11:00 AM EDT

XBOX Planned: 11:00 AM EDT

SWITCH Planned: 11:00 AM EDT

STADIA Planned: 11:00 AM EDT


    Mandy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The MMR system is currently not actively matchmaking but it is still running in the background collecting data. When it's ready to be reimplemented it can be done from the backend system without having to have players update their game. This is why the killers are locked in place in the lobby.