Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

25 Apr


Originally posted by -tings

Custom difficulties looks awesome as hell. Legit hyped for them and the randomizer for them, i think that's gonna be something akin to the Haz6x2 experience without actually needing to mod it in. It'll be a good refresher. Rock and stone!

To clarify. The randomiser is for selecting a random mission not a random difficulty.


Originally posted by Steff_164

Quick question about the only passes, if I’ve gotten a handful of old cosmetics (such as the scavenger theme) from the cargo create, do I have to reearn them in the cosmetic tree, or are they replaced with recourses. Or something different

They are replaced with credits which can be exchanged for goods and services.


Originally posted by JMTolan

I wonder if the second secondary will be a Deep Dive style Secondary or just a second gather X secondary.

It's a gather X secondary but that Deep Diver secondary is a good idea...


Originally posted by ObsidianNightFury

This looks awesome. Haz 5 is still a challenge now and then, but Haz 5+ just brings a bigger challenge more consistently (5+ is the EDD difficulty right?) so that will be fun. I am interested to see how the new missions are, they look interesting, and the new enemies seem like a pain in the behind (stalker) so that is cool. I love what they did to the Ommoran, it actually looks fun with the random phases instead of the same monotonous process every time. The new warnings have the potential to be very annoying, especially mactera plague 2.0, but the secret secondary objective is a something I have always liked from deep dives and wanted for standard missions. Blood sugar looks like an awesome anomaly that could work with Iron Will, unless I am mistaken with what the anomaly does. I am more game play oriented than cosmetics and season passes, but the new QoL updates seem cool as well.

I am a fairly new player since I have only been playing for a few months ( Started towards ...

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Haz 5+ configured with all modifiers set to the first step will be harder than Haz 5.5


Originally posted by UndeadMongoose


Edit: I wonder if there'll be changes to the T5 mods if fire rate mod doesn't do much and I don't want to use turret whip.

No changes. The T5 full auto + rof mod just applies the rof bonus with the new pump action OC


Originally posted by playswright

Heads up /u/GSG_Jacob: "mortar" is misspelled in one of the new Overclocks:

Sounds like something we’d do


Originally posted by noo6s9oou

How about a deal: you don’t tell management about our petting Ellie, and we won’t tell management about your “secret” Jetty Boot sessions. Fair?

You wouldn't!


Originally posted by ravenQ



If only new Overclocks were incoming. :>


Short answer: Age rating. It's one thing to have it in the poster art, another to actually have it ingame. ESRB ratings are a morass of contradictions and odd choices. We're as saddened by its absence as a cosmetic as you are.


The Pods are pulled out ASAP these days for exactly this reason. If they stay too long, the locals will destroy it, as these incident sites show. These are remains of early missions that did not make it out in time and overstayed their welcome.

As for the Mini Mules, the introduction of the current MULE unit was a cost-saving measure introduced by Management. Independent AI cores of the sophistication and complexity seen in the MULE units do not come cheap, and the larger model allows for more heavy armor as well. A win-win for all parties concerned.


Originally posted by Silenzeio_

Okay sharp reply. I don't see where i was 'a dick' to OP in my responses, i'm just going off from those who have had bans from the Discord who have posted here and have had them overturned because the ban was from something incredibly minor or a non-issue.

Those who have actually deserved bans due to hate speech or being inflamatory, by all means they deserved it. I've just seen enough posts about bans from those in the first paragraph to give OP a little piece of caution.

I’ll rephrase it; “Just don’t be a dick on the discord.” To elaborate; every time someone mentions the discord here, there’s a choir saying there’s a bunch of comments referring to how often people complain or wonder about being banned. Considering the size of the Discord server that number is incredibly low, and those posts are distributed between people getting banned for valid reasons misunderstandings, or straight up technical issues like the invite just not working. Not saying that an unjust bans cannot happen - it just happens way less than people are led to believe.


Originally posted by Silenzeio_

You're walking on eggshells weather you talk or react to anything.

630.000 people are doing just fine. Don’t be a dick. Edit: … on the discord. Don’t be a dick on the discord.


Top GSG picks from the top of my head:
DRG Historian/Explorian

23 Apr


Most HOA's oppose the decommissioning of 750.000.000 tonne orbital installations within their confines.

22 Apr

16 Apr


Any rumours of alien artifacts on Hoxxes are unfounded and malicious, and Management restates that spreading of said rumours is against company policy.