Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

01 Apr

31 Mar


Originally posted by nuzurame

How is this considered sneak-peak worthy in this sub?

Because I make the rules, you absolute nugget.


Originally posted by Dear_Platypus_849

I had to read it 4 times before i realised you meant to say without. Im too big brain

You sound a lot like my girlfriend.


Originally posted by Nolzi

So it's fake?! :o

If by fake you mean rendered outside the game in the tool used for animation, so I could make a video without bothering two colleagues with better things to do, then yes, it’s super fake. :D


Originally posted by 64BitDragon

Every time I see season 2 content I wish I had time to finish season one lol! Hopefully I’ll do better next season!

We’ll put your missed unlocks into the game through other means. No stress!


Originally posted by TechKatana

The scout’s roughneck armor does not have the tattoos here

I think it’s likely because this is rendered outside the game in 3D Studio Max.


Originally posted by Colonel17

The uncomfortably long jazz hands killed me

My favorite part!


Originally posted by BasiliskV

That tiktok couple that always confetti canon each other....

That makes you the other half of that couple, because you just got confettied lmao gottem

30 Mar

29 Mar


While suggestions are cool and all, your replies to everyone commenting are one of the surefire ways to make sure it dies right here.


Originally posted by TheyCallMeKrisha

they made it that way to stop people kicking during the pod escape then inviting friends for free xp

No, it's there to prevent people from kicking at the very last minute - not to prevent inviting friends for free XP.

28 Mar


We're getting a bunch of reports on this, and while the language used is doubtful, it's clear that OP didn't have any ill intention, so I am leaving the video up, so people might think about what terms they are throwing around in jest.
We will, however, not tolerate language like that in the comments.

25 Mar


Originally posted by SolarUpdraft

how were they able to reduce normal movement speed for this teaser? Does controller movement allow slower walking?

Yes, I usually use controllers for this, since it makes for slightly better panning shots as the slow mouse movement can get sort of jerky.


Originally posted by beatpickle

Anyone know what skin is on that gun?

Custom Engineered, I think.