Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by d3cmp

This might be controversial, but i dont like fighting the robot enemies that much, i would have prefered more bug enemies

Not controversial at all, and don't worry. I've heard that Season 3 will not be about robots.


Originally posted by Chickenasauruss

hello Jacob




1: PLEASE NOTE RE: Art, Screenshots, and/or any kind of Visual Material related to Deep Rock Galactic

1: Bad behavior noted

1: We allow sh*tposts now?

1: self harm

1: low effort garbage

Ad 1: Please read the rule you are trying to report a post about.
Ad 2: No
Ad 3: Yes.
Ad 4: That's dumb.
Ad 5: Stop being jealous of other people's fake internet points.

Real talk; people seem to enjoy it, so I'll allow it this time. Any attempt to ride this wave to prove a point will of course be shot down and punished accordingly.

10 Apr


Originally posted by arson_cat

  • Flare upgrades competed with gear upgrades, and there was a risk that player would overlook flares to improve tools & weapons, which would affect not only their experience, but also the experience of their teammates - your light is everyone's light.

  • In an attempt to make the choice easier the flare upgrades were priced very low, which made them feel like a mandatory stepping stone rather than an interesting choice.

  • Some people still missed that flares were upgradable, and unwittingly gimped their own gameplay.

  • From a game design standpoint, flare upgrades didn't fit - they were something that only new players needed, yet only new players didn't have the spare resources to buy; veteran players could play without flare upgrades at all due to game knowledge, yet the veterans were the ones who had a lot of money & minerals, and tossing a few thousand on flare upgrades was trivial for them.

This. The upgrades are now part of the flare.

09 Apr

08 Apr


Originally posted by Rob_134

5th character confirmed.

That made me laugh. A lot.


Originally posted by dannysmh


Rock. And. Stone!


What's your username?


What a battle! And what a cool video! Rock and Stone! You're all awesome! :D


Okay so this is the deal... It's all Mark's fault, he was busy making memes, and didnt test that they couldnt be kicked


Originally posted by rainst85

Am I the only one rushing to finish season 1?

No need to rush! Any rewards you were unable to claim in the previous season can be found in Cargo Crates, Lost Packs, Cosmetic Cores, and The Shop.


1: Are we really ok with all these posts that have NOTHING to do with DRG besides "theres a dwarf"?

Yes. Yes, we are. Until we're not

07 Apr

Hello Miners,
We have something new for you, while you are waiting for Season 02 to land.

The Great Egg Hunt The Great Egg Hunt is upon us! Colorful eggs have made it into the Space Rig.

This is what you can eggspect during The Great Egg Hunt:

  • The Great Egg Hunt Assignment
  • 2 new Eggstravagant hats rewarded during the assignment
  • The Space Rig bar has been eggscuisitely decorated
  • And something new when playing Egg Hunt missions, eggsactly what that is you’ll have to find out yourself

The Great Egg Hunt starts now and ends April 19th, 19.00 CET. We hope you are all eggcited and ready to eggsplore this new event!

With love,
The Ghost Ship Crew