Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by Booster_Blue

So you're giving it to us for free?

I’m sorry, I don’t run the gift shop around here.


Originally posted by ChaseThePyro

What the f**k is standing behind the dwarves?

Dunno, probably a closet or something.


Originally posted by Vehrimon

Why not toss it in as an unlockable then? Or maybe some easter egg thing where if you die in a mission you wake up in the medbay with the gown, but you auto-equip your previous armor when you walk through the medbay door

That seems like a lot of work just for some dwarven butt. It might hurt our age rating!


Originally posted by cthulhuplus_ttv

Except it didn't show a dwarven butt! It was covered!

The mind sees the butt it wants.


Originally posted by Bushpylot

Why is all the April Fools stuff a tease for something we actually want?

Shock marketing. I just made that up


Originally posted by ShieldOfRust

I do have to ask... Why not put it out there as a mod? There's probably a good reason why not but I dunno, worth a suggestion to my eyes.

We’d have to maintain that. :(


Originally posted by Mr_Blinky

Please still give it as a random occurrence when waking up in the med bay, even if you obviously can't bring it down on missions.

Ur not me mum


Originally posted by Kiripimma

Mr jacob i have a question, where dwarf nipple ?

Shaving accident.


Originally posted by BecomeAnAstronaut


I wanted to believe

I'm sorry, we couldn't make ourselves make you pay for a piece of clothing that shows dwarven butt.


Originally posted by Endermite20

So no hospital gown?

The Going Commando DLC was an April Fools.

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