Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Old Yeller? More like Old Driller.

07 Jun


Originally posted by dragonfax

I get that its a joke to put the skyrim think at the end of stuff. But it doesn't really fit here. Its like a random fade to back and then skyrim.

If someone had happened in the made the DRG video organically go black, then the video pasted on the end would work, and be funny. But this just seems like trying way too hard and missing the point of the meme.

The Skyrim meme transition is a tradition at this point. The video without it will come up on Youtube this week.


Bwahahaha, it's our subreddit too! Bye!

Jokes aside, I don't see any deleted posts within the last couple of days on this in the moderator interface, so I'm not sure what's going on.

04 Jun


If you feel that us playing with colorful rainbow beards for one stream/two hours during Pride month is shoving politics down your throat, I’d also like to apologize for showing Christianity down your throat during Christmas, pagan voodoo during Halloween, and general happy vibes during our anniversaries. You forgot to care back then. I’m not going to pretend we’re not going to do it again. We’re an inclusive and happy bunch. And before anyone starts going on about corporations milking the occassion for money, our streams doesn’t generate any revenue, and is for the community - a community that include people celebrating Pride month among other things. If you don’t, good on you, but stop trying to cram everything into a political box you can yell at. ~(つˆ0ˆ)つ。☆

03 Jun


Originally posted by JohannesMP

u/GSG_Jacob ok, but that thing at the end; Someone needs to be held responsible. Who was it? We need names.

ง’̀-‘́)ง fight me


Originally posted by Sabretoothninja

so excited for the weapons update, anyone know if a data has been announced when this patch will happen?


02 Jun

31 May


That is some dedication and patience, Miner. Management approves.

28 May