Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

12 Apr


Originally posted by HarliQwynn

Hey. I pre-ordered from the day it went live as it was appearing that the Collector's Editions were selling out rapidly. I called my local Wal-Mart and (two separate companies, apparently) afterwards about the code and they both said that Wal-Mart (physical stores) weren't participating in pre-orders AT ALL and that wasn't giving out early beta access codes.

Just an FYI. The people at the local Wal-Mart kept telling me it was a issue and the people had LITERALLY no idea what I was talking about or how to help me. Just thought it was weird that y'all had Wal-Mart on the pre-order page listed as an approved retailer offering beta access.

I was able to cancel my order with Wal-Mart and order through Best Buy (although I'll have to wait until 10 AM on launch day to pick up my order and play... grumble, grumble). Best Buy emailed me the code. So, all is right in the world but Wal-Mart caused me some serious an...

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Doing it now.


Originally posted by WowIJake

Hey dad

They pulled a tube of my blood and proved that you are not my son.


Originally posted by Lil717

Is it true all Canadian guardians will automatically say sorry after every enemy dies?

I've heard they are very polite. I'm under the impression it sounds more like "soarry..." though.


Originally posted by Random_Imgur_User

So is it true that Canadian Guardians get Hockey Sticks instead of swords?

No. None of this is true!

05 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Would it be safe to assume there are no surfaces to count on the back-face of the reflector?

Correct, we divided the number of faces by the number of faces per tetrahedron while only the tetrahedrons were selected. OPs shortcuts have betrayed them.

04 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

i counted 1,452. maybe u should recount

18 Jul


Res him into another blast like a good fireteam member

05 Apr

04 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hwere do you get off?

Hwiskey! ... Hwiskeeeeeey!!!

25 Mar


Originally posted by zrvwls

Every 6 seconds, a new guardian is violently introduced to the wall of dicks by a group of 5 other quietly waiting fireteam members.

24 Mar


Originally posted by hrafnbrand

Call it what it is, Hopps. It's the Wall of Dicks. Say it Hopps. Say it.



World artist and designer on Kingsfall cutters and Wall of... uh... Transept. This warms the deepest parts of my sadistic heart.

09 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

This started off in a joking manner, but as I got more and more into the conversation I forgot and got lost on the argument. I haven't seen any ride along, they seem pretty cool but I dont really have the time

I was joking that I should have talked about it in the ride along but did not! So I wanted to answer you :) Removed the confusing part of my comment. It's a valid question!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Why does no one ever talk about how the room you first fight Oryx in is literally right next to where you first get on the Dreadnaught? They try to pass it off as thought you go to "the ascendant realm" but its right f**king there.

Edit: /u/bng_hopps totally put me in my place and im totally okay with it

*I should have answered this in the ride along!

From a world building and design stand point, the proximity is quite intentional. We wanted players to see their final goal at one of the earliest points in your arrival on the Dreadnaught. Oryx is taunting you on your way in because he feels you are not even close to worthy of facing him, nor is he concerned with your immediacy to his altar in this realm.

When players first land on the Dreadnaught, they walk along a pathway which directs the players view towards the entrance to the Altar of Oryx. Once in his ascendant realm, players are directed to walk the opposite direction, towards the area where they first arrived on the Dreadnaught. Ideally, players recognize that it's where they first landed. If they paid close attention, they may have a moment of "I know where I am!" and also connecting the journey's start with the journey's end, including the view of the skybox from the altar filled with remnants of the initia...

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02 Mar


Originally posted by turboash78

I find it interesting to see the game through the designer's eyes.
And I LOVE concept art.

Understanding the thought process and design decisions behind games was fascinating to me growing up. We were excited to pass along what we've done here and I'm glad that you enjoyed it!