Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by Blaze_Lighter

Just in case you didn't see it, some people have been testing resilience and damage resist mods and have found no difference in their performance yet.



Might be a placebo, but if these reports do have legitimacy, you're definitely the one to find out!

Definitely a busy buggy week since that midseason patch eh?

some people have been testing resilience and damage resist mods and have found no difference in their performance yet.


Mods: https://imgu...

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Originally posted by PAN--

This is most defenietly not the first time you've heard about incoming damage being increased the higher fps players have lol

You're correct about that, but this is the first I've heard since update 7.0.5 went out where many players are discussing this particular resilience issue.


Hi. I haven't heard of this issue until now, but I'll start an investigation with the team.

Would any of you mind providing your Bungie Name to help with the process?

EDIT: Thanks all. We have enough information for now.

Also, thank you to whoever sent me a Reddit Cares message; I appreciate that you are looking out for my mental health and well-being. For those experiencing a mental health crisis, we have a list of resources through our website, too:

19 Apr

Originally posted by Fideriti

Deep frying a Nissan Altima…

I’m in absolute tears

Tagging onto the highest rated comment for visibility! We're looking into this right now. For now, turning 3D Audio (Spatial Audio) off on whichever system you use and then restarting should get you sorted until we get a fix in.

18 Apr