Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by shoehaunted

Thank you very much for the reply, I normally put all my graphics settings in games to low to reduce heat, but I've just put it to high and will see how it goes.

Keep in mind, this might improve your chances of getting into the game but it won't prevent the long loading times in general as any single player experiencing this issue will cause the long load time for everybody.


This issue was identified not long after the release of 6v6 Iron Banner and the impact felt by all, however the cause of the long match start times and conditions under which it would happen eluded us for many weeks. During the last Iron Banner we were able to finally nail down the conditions under which it would happen and have since been able to fix the underlying issues that caused this bug.

I wish I had a really great work-around for you at the moment, but ultimately the only mitigation for the average player until is released is to group with friends and try to match ships, sparrows, ghosts, weapons, etc as best you can. While unintuitive, players frequently encountering Beet and Kale can improve the situation for everybody by adjusting their texture quality settings to medium or high (assuming they have th...

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21 May

10 May


Originally posted by UberShrew

At least for destiny companion app I don’t think this is true. I still haven’t logged into any of my PS4 characters, but after logging into my all of my pc characters the issue was fixed. I don’t use Ishtar commander so you may be right with that one.

The official app only loads one account at a time, you have to switch between platforms. Many 3rd party apps load all linked accounts at once, which is why they require a login to all characters for the workaround to work.

09 May


Originally posted by iZeuS_XII

Logged in each of my 3 characters and loaded DIM on Chrome - still get an error.

It takes a few minutes sometimes. Also, if you have characters on more than one platform, you likely need to log into them to (some 3rd party apps load all your accounts instead of just the "current" one like the official companion does).

At any rate, we are trying to get this fixed as soon as possible.

06 May

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EthioSalvatori

/u/cozmo23, is Redrix's Claymore a DLC-exclusive?

No. Claymore is part of S3 which is available to everyone who owns Destiny 2

05 May

03 May


Originally posted by hnosaj2

They live in Seattle. There is no sun.

Fear the daystar.

02 May


Originally posted by DestinyPlayer0

Ana Bray is an anagram of Ray Baan. Super Pointless News.

Ba, a yarn!

01 May


Originally posted by Aerodim101

A way to not only make a fireteam, but to message them and mass invite them would be all I would need to exclusively use this app for group finding.

Currently it’s a fairly unintuitive system. I shouldn’t feel like I need to search youtube for a guide on how to use the Find Fireteam portion of the app

Messaging will be added before it comes out of beta. You can already mass invite them to your game fireteam once they have joined. There are a lot of UX bugs still needing to be fixed as well to make it more intuitive to use.

The entire reason we shipped it in such an early state was to get feedback from users about it. It makes it much easier to iterate when we're building on a solid foundation instead of ripping out things we built but weren't really the best for users. We're going to be trying that kind of thing more often, as much as possible.

30 Apr


Originally posted by find_me8

Yeah, i know what LfG is but, can people join automatically from the app? Or is it the same as the third party website? Thanks in advance.

Yes, the Destiny Companion allows PS4 and Xbox One users to directly join the in-game fireteams without being on someone's friend list or in the same clan. It is somewhat buried in the UI right now, we're working on it.


Originally posted by ReaLitY-Siege

Sort of.

  • You see the opening, then click in the spot to fill it.
  • Then send a friend invite to the originator of the group.
  • That person accepts your invitation, then you can join their fireteam.
  • Shoot bad guys.

I WISH it was like this: - You see the opening, then click in the spot to fill it. Friend and fireteam invitation is automatically sent, and you join up. - Shoot bad guys.

EDIT: formatting EDIT2: screw formatting

The new beta fireteams feature does not require a friend request to be sent. You see a fireteam requiring a player, you join it, and the fireteam owner can issue you a platform invite. You'll get an invite on your PS4/Xbox One directly to that fireteam, just like if they were on your friends list and invited you to their fireteam. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for PC, we're hopeful we can get that added eventually.

29 Apr

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE THANKS ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

27 Apr


Originally posted by TheGMan323

Will we be able to delete items directly from the vault?


(Though I do not claim credit for such heroics)

21 Apr

18 Apr


Originally posted by OldWitchOfCuba

How do you get friends to play? Every time i mention to my friends (ex fireteam) that some stuff has improved they look at me as if i am asking them to kill their dog

I guess I got lucky. My clan is filled with amazing humans and they don't always stick around, and a few have really pushed away from D2, but I have enough for a fire team and maybe a few extra, especially when times are better.


I am just so happy to have something that more people want to play. I try to not give up hope on this game, its a huge part of my life and I will always have sentimental attachments to Destiny as a whole, but its really nice to have friends playing again. Playing iron banana for 6 hours last night was incredible.

12 Apr


Originally posted by emilymeganxart

I've done the hunter! Just need to do the warlock next -^

Yesssss. Can't wait.

10 Apr


Originally posted by cemges

It becomes unscannable if you go inside the room. You need to go back to courtyard and back to hangar again to put it back in place now :D The contents are same, pls no fake tease

Some people never got to hear the original content, honestly, I gave up trying to scan it myself at one point. To think the tower black screen, invisible vendors, and players ghosts not appearing all boiled down to that single content issue.


Originally posted by AhamkaraBBQ

Hey! Hey! A clue!! Guys, a clue!

Frankly I misplaced the thing because it was infact the cause of the tower bug... The speaker's quarters book was moved for good measure as well due to concerns that it could lead to similar bad behaviors.