Dyson Sphere Program

Dyson Sphere Program Dev Tracker

23 Jan

    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Q: How advanced is the Early Access version? How long is the estimated gameplay time?

A: Don't worry: the EA version will have a lot of content – the game will just grow from there. A single playthrough takes between 50 and 100 hours to complete – and that's if you focus on building the Dyson sphere. If you sneak off to explore the universe, spend time optimizing the factory layout , etc., it may take you longer than that.

Q: Are many bugs and glitches to be expected?

A: Obviously, we can't guarantee a 100% bug-free experience (the game is still in development, so it might be rough around the edges in some aspects), but we're working really hard to release the most polished version possible. If you find a bug, you can report to us and we will fix it as soon as possible.

Q: Are there enemies in the game?
A: Icarus does not have an enemy in the current version, but it's a feature we plan to implement in the future. We are a... Read more
    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
- 新增自由命名天体的功能,可以在左下角缩略图以及行星视图/星图界面右侧信息面板中进行命名
- 新增星图中的天体操作界面,优化天体查看操作,现在可以设置天体的太空标签是否显示
- 新增目标天体航向指示线,在星图中找到天体后可以打开航向指示线。

- 优化星际物流运输船起飞/降落/加速/减速的逻辑,使其在大量速度升级后更快速且合理
- 修改部分物品、科技描述的英文翻译

- 液氢燃料棒应有更高的燃烧效率。提升液氢燃料棒的能量数值:40MJ -> 50MJ
- 调整星际物流运输船的能量消耗:当航行速度升级超过3000m/s后,不再根据最大航行速度增加额外能量消耗

- 修复了在某些大质量黑洞周围,因戴森球节点捕获火箭的范围不够大,火箭追不上节点的bug
- 修复拆除模式和升级模式下按ESC会直接弹出游戏菜单的bug

- 完善批量升级/拆除功能,新增范围操作以及相关界面
- 新增熔炉的LOD1,LOD2渲染细节等级,优化熔炉渲染在GPU上的开销

- 重制火力发电厂的模型、贴图及特效,并微调分拣器接口位置。
- 重制微型聚变发电厂的模型、贴图及特效,并微调分拣器接口位置。

- 修复了当储液罐垂直方向上存储液体不同时,可能会出现的流体混淆bug

- 修复建筑升级后,未能同时升级耗电信息的bug
- 修复建筑升级后,未能同时更改动画信息的bug
- 对以上两个bug产生的错误... Read more
    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
- Now you can customize the names of celestial bodies. You can either rename them on thumbnail in the lower left corner, or on and the information panel on the right side of the planetary view / star map interface.
- Added the celestial body operation interface in the star map. Now you can view the celestial bodies easier, and you can decide to turn on/off the space labels of the celestial bodies.
- Added the heading indicator line of your target celestial body. You can open the heading indicator line after you find the target celestial body.

- Optimized the logic of takeoff / landing / acceleration / deceleration of Logistics Vessel to make it faster and in line with scientific principles after upgrades.
- Modified English translation of some item and technical descriptions.

- Hydrogen fuel rod should have higher combustion effic... Read more

21 Jan

    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Detonyle,

Key binding is already in road map, you will find it in one of our following patches!

Thank you for supporting Dyson Sphere Program!
    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
本贴会总结部分已知BUG并进行针对性的反馈。对于本贴中未出现的bug,我们会进行汇总并提交开发者。希望遇到问题的工程师们,可以加入 官方BUG反馈群777178167 或是向邮箱[email protected]发送反馈。感谢你们的支持!




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4.WIN10以下的系统请检查系统补丁,具体方法为:打开控制面板—系统和安全—windows update 检查更新。
5.确保 windows update, background intelligent tr... Read more
    Gamera Games on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Submit a Bug Report Form
For those Dyson sphere engineers who experiencing issues or have a bug to report, please submit bug reports via this form


Remember to try and be as specific as possible when submitting bug reports. The more specific you can be, the easier the devs can replicate the problem.

Where is this Appdata folder?
If you're having problems finding the Appdata/Locallow directory to find the log files, you can open Windows explorer and type the following in the address bar


Come to the Discord!
Meet other Dyson sphere engineers and de... Read more

22 Dec

    Kacper on Steam - Thread - Direct

Calling all Mechanics!
2020 is coming to a close and we’re here to end it on a good note with a special devblog! Here are some of the things we’ve been working on since the release of Scrap Mechanic’s Survival Mode earlier this year.

To start, we have been hard at work on the next chapter and we will be announcing its official name at a later date. But until then, here are some of the things we managed to liberate from the Scrap HQ’s secret drawing board!

Going underground
This new location includes new adventures and gameplay options that we can’t wait to share with you! This new chapter of Sur... Read more

19 Nov

    Kacper on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hi Mechanics!

We are excited to finally drop this update!
This update will lay out some of the groundwork for the upcoming new survival chapter that we are working on right now. In this update we did a ton of bug fixes and improvements. We also added a few new fun things to survival mode like the Beacon and the Logbook! We know this is not a huge update. But rest assured that a big survival update is in the works with a lot of new content and it’s shaping up to become something amazing!

Beacon is a very useful new interactive part that will help you set navigation waypoints in the world. This will make exploration much easier. It can now be crafted in the Craftbot!

The Logbook can now be unlocked in the crashed ship.
It will store all quests that the mechanics will find in the world. It also lets... Read more

01 Sep

    Kacper on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hi Mechanics!

This test turned in to a pretty long one as you might have noticed. We ended up doing a lot of small fixes. But also because we wanted to add a few more things for testing before we drop it.
Today the 30th of October we finally added the new Beacon interactive part that we’ve been teasing on our Twitter. The Beacon will help you set navigation waypoints in the world to make exploration much easier. It can now be crafted in the Craftbot! Some other highlights are fixes to the UI and main menu that we didn’t find time to add for the survival release. There is still more work to be done to the UI but we are getting there. We also fixed a bigger issue where the frame rate dropped for no clear reason for some players after playing longer sessions in survival. That should not happen anymore.
We hope to move... Read more

07 Aug

    Kacper on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hi Mechanics!

We are back with a new update! Thanks for helping us test it out!
This time we’ve been focusing on making sure the languages are fixed and updated.
They unfortunately didn’t make it on time for the survival release, but they are back in Scrap Mechanic now!

Here are the languages that have been updated:
  • Russian
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • German
  • Italian
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Brazilian Portuguese

We also did a few fixes:
  • Fertilized plants can not be fertilized again while the fertilizer is still active
  • Fixed a bug that causes the mechanic to get stuck crouching in so...
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