The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker


Will there be a Golden Vendor this evening? @ZOS_Kevin
No Golden Vendor this week in Cyrodiil due to the test.
Hey folks, just wanted to follow up based on some of the conversation in this thread. We have shared your thoughts and feedback (along with this thread in its entirety) with the team for their knowledge and future consideration when working on future crates. Thanks as always for sharing your feedback with us.
This is the official discussion thread for, "ESO’s April 2025 Survival Guide" "The ESO Direct livestream, an anniversary event, and more highlight an exciting month for The Elder Scrolls Online. Here’s everything you need to know."
Just sharing the direct quote from Rich here. ZOS_RichLambert;c-8275371
Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post. We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list. Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
  1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
  2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our lis...
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We have this as a known issue for both Xbox and PlayStation. This will be resolved in a future incremental. ZOS_Kevin;c-8285221
[img alt="Known Issues"][/img]
    [*]Tales of Tribute currently has a chance of a UI error occurring when selecting Patrons.
    • We have been able to reproduce the issue and have a bug in for this. This will be resolved in a future incremental patch. Currently a work-around is to restart the game client and load back in-game with a few characters. Our testing has shown Patrons reappear after that process.
Hi all, we are going to close this conversation down as we have given a stance on this fairly recently. Ultimately, we expect folks to be polite and civil to each other. We understand the want to showcase dominance in PvP through the virtual act of teabagging, but given the nature of the act itself, we also understand folks who get upset being on the receiving end. Even in professional sports there is a line in the sand for appropriate sports-conduct. ZOS_Kevin;c-8157507
Hi all. We wanted to address the recent conversations around teabagging and proper etiquette around the action in-game. In the past, we have noted that context matters when teabagging in-game and when responding to that action. Teabagging in-game is generally not a direct violation of ToS. However, when an impacted player asks you to stop and you refuse, that is when we have crossed into targeted harassment territory. If this happens and the impacted player reports the incident with video proof, then an in...
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27 Mar

Hi All, Today (March 27, 2025) we completed a hotfix for the Roksa the Warped Arms Pack, Mask, and Shoulder Styles. We have resolved the issue of these items not being accessible or cleaned up any backend data for proper categorization. The following changes include:
  • Roksa the Warped Mask Style now drops in Bal Sunnar.
  • Roksa the Warped Shoulder Style is now accessible through Urgarlag's store at the Undaunted Enclave.
  • Roksa the Warped Arms Pack is now properly sourced in the Crown Store.
  • These items will be accessible from March 20, 2025 to 10AM EDT on May 1, 2025, accounting for the one week extension.
Hi @ZOS_Kevin! I'm excited for this crate! I can't wait to see the hairstyle and the armour pieces. I have a (maybe obvious) question just for some clarity: Will we be able exchange the superior rewards furniture for gems, like all other crate furniture? The items in question: - Argonian Bowl, Ritual - Argonian Seat of Comfort - Wood Elf Cup, Ceramic - Wood Elf Table, Formal
Yes, you should be able to exchange the superior rewards furniture for gems, like all other crate furniture.

26 Mar

Quick update here. Some face markings in the Carnaval Crate will be disabled on console as we work through a bug found after today's maintenance. This will be resolved on April 2. Please see the related info here for full details: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.... Read more
With today's launch of Update 45 on the consoles servers, we identified a display issue with some in-game face/body markings and skin collectibles, including makeup, that are resulting in character faces not displaying correctly (specifically, lighting and textures appearing dark and pixelated.) We have a fix readied as part of the next console incremental patch, which has been moved up to April 2nd to address the issue as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we recommend players on our console servers please unequip any face/body markings and skins that are not displaying properly. We are aware that some of the affected body/face markings cannot be removed due to being set at character creation, and we apologize for the inconvenience. When this issue is fixed, it will automatically apply to any equipped or unequipped body/face markings or skins. Lastly, please be aware that there are a handful of body/face markings in the Carnaval Crown Crate launching tomorrow that may be affecte... Read more
This is correct. We will have the style updated once related motif and style mats are introduced into the game later this year. BuffNukem;c-8285865
With the new sets, they likely won't list a style until the related motif and style mats are introduced into the game at a later date. Until that happens, when you decon the new set pieces you won't get any style mats since it isn't enabled yet, thus probably why no style is listed at this point.
Hi folks, just an update here. We have identified the issue impacting shaders and face/body markings. The team is working on a fix now. Once we have more info, we can update timing on a potential fix. Just wanted to give a heads up incase more folks start asking about this. We have an article for this issue as well:
They will be here after the end of the 10yr period. So no need to worry. You can complete it at your own pace.
@kastylx Do you happen to have a screenshot of what you are seeing right now? And in the off chance you have a screenshot with an example of draw distance before today's patch, then that would be good to have as well.
Just wanted to flag that the team is aware and working toward a fix.
Hi @fizl101. We are aware of this issue and are currently investigating. Are you running any face markings/makeup on that character? If so, removing it may assist for now while we investigate.
Hi all, just following up as we are continuing testing and will be temporarily increased the population cap for the campaign today as well. With any increase to the population cap, there may be a potential impact on performance. Please bear with us as we work through testing today. Same process as yesterday, if you encounter any performance spikes, please provide that information in our our feedback thread. Thank you and we appreciate your patience!

25 Mar

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.70 (PS4)/ v1.51 (PS5) Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack and Update 45 base game patch! This update brings two brand new dungeons, new homes, new furnishings, new gear to earn, and several quality-of-life improvements for the base game. Additionally, there are some incremental combat changes and general bug fixes. Along with the new dungeons, we have some new base game features and quality-of-life features being added in Update 45. Player Response Options open a new way to add roleplay choice as you interact with quest characters, ultimately impacting their responses and quest outcomes. For quality-of-life systems, you’ll see an overhaul of the in-game map, Green Champion Point Star improvements, mount speed adjustments and starter zone art refresh, just to name a few. There will be additional content going live later in the Update 45 update cycle, like this year’s ... Read more
Just to clear this up, the website was incorrect and was updated yesterday with the correct 30,000 gold, as currently reflected in-game. Thank you, @Auberon1983 for originally flagging. I thought I had followed up, but it was just sitting waiting for me hit send. Sorry about the delay here.
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.39.0.0(Xbox) Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack and Update 45 base game patch! This update brings two brand new dungeons, new homes, new furnishings, new gear to earn, and several quality-of-life improvements for the base game. Additionally, there are some incremental combat changes and general bug fixes. Along with the new dungeons, we have some new base game features and quality-of-life features being added in Update 45. Player Response Options open a new way to add roleplay choice as you interact with quest characters, ultimately impacting their responses and quest outcomes. For quality-of-life systems, you’ll see an overhaul of the in-game map, Green Champion Point Star improvements, mount speed adjustments and starter zone art refresh, just to name a few. There will be additional content going live later in the Update 45 update cycle, like this year’s prologue q... Read more