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I know some countries have banned their sale but the UK isn't one of them. Has the option been permanently removed for all?
about 2 years ago - ZOS_JessicaFolsom - Direct link
Hi everyone! We are aware and investigating. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all, we are aware and continuing to investigate this. There are some differences between the platforms that makes our investigation a little more complex. Thank you for your patience.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
We wanted to provide an update on the issue where Crown Crates are not currently giftable in-game on PC. We have identified the issue and are working on a fix that we hope to roll out in the next couple weeks. We appreciate everyone's patience. Once we have a date for the fix, or if it will take longer than a couple weeks, we will let you know.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all, we have an update on Crown Crate gifting. Currently, the team is working on testing a few more fixes to address the issues going on with Crown Crate gifting. These tests will take a few days to complete and review. We will follow back up on Wednesday, May 3, with an update on where we are regarding a fix. As always, thank you for your patience regarding this topic.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all. As some of you have pointed out, gifting was briefly turned back on for PC NA while we were doing some testing. It was not intentional to remain on and has since been disabled again. We'll let everyone know when gifting is back on and officially available for everyone.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All. As noted previously, we want to provide an update on the next steps toward getting Crown Crate gifting back online on PC. We currently have a prospective fix currently being tested. Once testing concludes, we will schedule a date for the fix's deploy ASAP. This fix will also include a configuration change that lowers the login timer when switching between NA and EU (or EU and NA) realms back to what it used to be. We will follow up with an update next week to update on our progress here. Thank you for your continued patience.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all. We have an update regarding Crown Crate gifting and where we are in the process outlined last week. Yesterday, we deployed a fix related to the ongoing Crown Crate gifting issue. We are currently evaluating if the fix fully resolved the issue, and reviewing results as quickly as possible. We will have another update for you no later than Monday, May 15.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Thank you once again for your patience while we work on the issue with Crown Crate gifting. As a reminder, on May 9 we pushed a back-end update to all six realms during maintenance. While initial results look good, we are still monitoring. We will share our next update and more details with you on Monday, May 22.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi, everyone.

We’re here to provide our weekly update on the Crown Crate gifting issue. While the fix we implemented is working as intended, we have identified an additional issue that our teams are working to resolve. This issue will take some time to investigate and resolve, so unfortunately Crown Crate gifting will remain unavailable for the foreseeable future as we work on a long-term solution.

In the meantime, we are working on a limited, temporary solution for Crown Crate gifting. We hope to have that solution in place and full details to share with you in the coming weeks. Thanks again for your continued patience as we work to resolve this issue.
almost 2 years ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi, everyone. At this time, we have no major updates regarding Crown Crate Gifting. We are actively working on the temporary solution to the Crown Crate gifting. We are also exploring our options for a more permanent fix. We'll follow up on the week of June 12th with more information. As always, thank you for your continued patience.
over 1 year ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all, we know many of you have been asking for an explanation regarding the Crown Crate gifting issue. This has been and continues to be a delicate process as there is sensitive information involved. With that, we’ve been working on a high-level overview of the current issue, which is that we’ve discovered some fraudulent behavior related to Crown Crate gifting, primarily on the PC platform.

We have been working diligently to find a resolution to this and put a stop to the fraudulent behavior. We want players who are not violating our Terms of Service by engaging in fraudulent behavior to be able to continue to use gifting in ESO. We also cannot allow this fraudulent behavior to continue. As you know, we noted that our original fix resolved part of the problem, however, we discovered another related issue in the process. We are continuing to work on a long-term resolution for that issue and, unfortunately, this means PC Crown Crate gifting in-game will remain unavailable until we do..

In the meantime, we are working on a more immediate temporary solution with our Customer Support team to aid in facilitating Crown Crate gifting transactions. We’ll have more to share on that soon. We hope this gives some insight into why PC Crown Crate gifting continues to be unavailable. As always, thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
over 1 year ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all. We wanted to provide a quick update here to close out the week. We are in the final stages of getting the temporary solution for Crown Crate Gifting finalized. We are getting the necessary checks from various teams to make sure the process is ready. Once we clear that hurdle, we will have details for the program and a date for when it will go live.

We are also taking the feedback outlined here regarding communication and relaying those to our teams. Thanks for your continued feedback and patience surrounding this issue.
over 1 year ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All, we just provided an update in a new thread due to a new issue presented. You can find that post here.

More important for the people in this thread, our temporary solution for crown crate gifting is going live on July 13th. We will have rules and guidelines available then.