Original Post — Direct link
I completed the entire Western Skyrim/Blackreach map 2 days after the chapter released. I log into the game everyday, but today, I noticed when I went to Western Skyrim, it showed my completed character as now missing 2 wayshrines there: Northern Watch and Giant's Coast. Weird, but okay....I go back and rediscover those wayshrines, only my map completion still says I have 17/19 discovered, and it doesn't update with a the pop-up every time you discover any wayshrine in the game. I have ridden away and come back, traveled by wayshrine between those two, over and over, but it doesn't fix it. I relogged too, and even tried on a different character, and despite her never having been to Western Skyrim, she couldn't discover those wayshines either.

So, definitely bugged.
about 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Thanks for the info, everyone. Just confirming we've seen this thread and are looking into this.