almost 5 years
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The Elder Scrolls Online v2.02 includes some adjustments to help with the recent input delays and desyncs while in combat, in addition to a fix where breaking free could become delayed, spamming block disconnecting you to the login screen, and several crash fixes. Also included is a fix for the Soul Shriven in Coldharbour questline, some invisible collision found in Morkul Stronghold, and more.
[*]The Brush Fire achievement can now be completed.
[*]You will now only be able to revive in situations normally allowed in Icereach.
[*]Fixed an issue where some quest story elements would appear to become stuck if all players were to leave the scene and then return.
[*]Blackrose Prison
[*]Drakeeh the Unchained is no longer partaking in Murkmire health concoctions and as such, his health has returned to normal levels.
[*]Empty Nest: Fixed a number of issues in which Krona and Ree-Nakal could get stuck while spawning for the final boss fight.
[*]Fixed an issue causing invisible collision and floating NPCs in Morkul Stronghold.
[*]Adjusted the collision in Orc Long Houses to allow your character to move about them once more.
[*]The Crystal Tower: The Golden Knight will once again follow you properly during the final parts of the quest.
[*]In an effort to address recent input delays and desyncs when casting abilities, we have optimized how messages (how the server/client communicate with each other) are sent.
[*]Fixed an issue where breaking free could become delayed for about a second in some situations.
[*]Repeatedly activating and dropping Block will no longer kick you from the server, returning you to the login screen.
[*]Fixed an issue where interacting with an objective, such as a Chaos Ball or Volendrung, could prevent you from activating Block or Sprint.
[*]Fixed an issue where your client would report your Stamina Recovery as 0 after activating Sprint or Mount Sprint in some situations.
[*]Incapacitating Strike: This Ultimate no longer silences the target, but instead stuns them for 3 seconds if cast with 120 or more Ultimate. This change was primarily done to fix an issue where the unique silence applied from this ability conflicted with some recent hard-coded block behaviors.
[*]Aedric Spear
[*]Piercing Spear: Fixed an issue where this passive did not work against blocking targets.
[*]Robes and boots from the Pyandorean Motif no longer appear invisible when worn.
[*]Fixed a crash that could occasionally happen on logging out or entering a new zone.
[*]Fixed an issue in the UI texture management which could cause a crash.
[*]Fixed an issue with the particle system that was causing a rare crash.
[*]Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur during high volumes of combat.
Main Quest
[*]Soul Shriven in Coldharbour: Fixed an issue where the Hooded Figure would not appear until after relogging if you created a new character and skipped the tutorial.
Crown Store
[*]Fixed an issue where the Crown Store UI would become semi-transparent and would not scale properly with certain configurations.
Guilds & Guild Functionality
[*]Restored guild member promote and demote options in the Context menu.