The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

27 Jan


The Elder Scrolls Online v5.2.13 includes updates to the Privacy Policy, which you will need to re-accept upon logging in, updated copyright dates for 2020, and a couple game fixes which are detailed below. The size of this patch is approximately 98.96MB.

[*]The Dungeon Explorer costume once again hides shields while they are docked on your character’s back.

[*]Fixed a rare case where some inventory items could disappear when evolving a Nascent Indrik under very specific circumstances.

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24 Jan

Hi everyone,

We just published a hotfix on all platforms and megaservers that should reduce the frequency of crashes occurring in Cyrodiil. This should also help with some minor rollbacks or loss of AP some of you have been experiencing.

No need to relog, as there's no patch to download. Thanks!

16 Jan


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.55 includes several adjustments for the Activity Finder to improve its stability, in addition to further memory reductions to reduce game crash frequency. The size of this patch is approximately 391 MB.

[*]Fixed an issue where you couldn’t select a guild to claim a Keep.

[*]Fixed an issue where too many players could end up on one team in Battlegrounds.

[*]Made further adjustments on the backend to reduce the chance of crashing in crowded areas.
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