The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

10 Mar

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v10.3.5 Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack and Update 45 base game patch! This update brings two brand new dungeons (Exiled Redoubt & Lep Seclusa), new homes, new furnishings, new gear to earn, and several quality-of-life improvements for the base game. Additionally, there are some incremental combat changes and general bug fixes. The Fallen Banners Dungeon Pack has two challenging new PvE dungeon experiences for you to take on with your party: Lep Seclusa and Exiled Redoubt. The new dungeons come with new achievements and earnable rewards including item sets, collectibles, and more as you fight to preserve what little peace remains in the war-torn region of Cyrodiil. Along with the new dungeons, we have some new base game features and quality-of-life features being added in Update 45. Player Response Options open a new way to add roleplay choice as you interact with que... Read more

19 Feb

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.38.3.0 is a minor update mainly focused on backend updates to better identify and resolve issues. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
  • Overview
  • Base Game
    • Miscellaneous
The Elder Scrolls Online v2.69/1.50 (PS4/PS5) is a minor update mainly focused on backend updates to better identify and resolve issues. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
  • Overview
  • Base Game
    • Miscellaneous

10 Feb

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.2.10 is a minor update mainly focused on backend updates to better identify and resolve issues. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
  • Overview
  • Base Game
    • Miscellaneous

17 Dec

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.68/v1.49 (PS4/PS5) addresses some issues identified post Update 44 launch. The third incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in the Firesong, High Isle and Base Game content. Included is an adjustment to Siegemaster’s Focus, fixes to Gloambound and Iceshard style weapon styles, and trial groups will no longer lose vitality when a player leaves the zone while the group is in combat. These are some of the adjustments coming in incremental three. For all adjustments being made in incremental three, please see the full list of patch notes below. This patch file size is 2.727 GB (PS4)/ 524.5 MB (PS5). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]... Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.38.2.0 addresses some issues identified post Update 44 launch. The third incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in the Firesong, High Isle and Base Game content. Included is an adjustment to Siegemaster’s Focus, fixes to Gloambound and Iceshard style weapon styles, and trial groups will no longer lose vitality when a player leaves the zone while the group is in combat. These are some of the adjustments coming in incremental three. For all adjustments being made in incremental three, please see the full list of patch notes below. This patch file size is 3.53 GB (XB1)/ 3.29 GB (XBX/XBS). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
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The Elder Scrolls Online v10.2.9 addresses some issues identified post Update 44 launch. The third incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in the Firesong DLC and Base Game content. Included is an adjustment to Siegemaster’s Focus, fixes to Gloambound and Iceshard style weapon styles, and trial groups will no longer lose vitality when a player leaves the zone while the group is in combat. These are some of the adjustments coming in incremental three. For all adjustments being made in incremental three, please see the full list of patch notes below. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
  • Overview
  • Combat & Gameplay
    • Itemization ...
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01 Dec

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.67 (PS4)/v1.48 (PS5) fixes issues identified post Update 44 launch. The first console incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in Gold Road, Greymoor, Imperial City, Orsinium, Scions of Ithelia and Base Game content. We address some medaling and inactivity issues with 2-Sided Battlegrounds, fix missing quest markers for enchanting and alchemy writs and resolve various text errors. We also have a fix for the Battlemaster’s Worm Fang which now correctly grants the associated runebox. We have various other fixes and adjustments listed below for this incremental patch, which is approximately 981MB for PS4 and 4.32GB for PS5. [img alt="Table of Contents"] Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.38.1.0 fixes issues identified post Update 44 launch. The first console incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in Gold Road, Greymoor, Imperial City, Orsinium, Scions of Ithelia and Base Game content. We address some medaling and inactivity issues with 2-Sided Battlegrounds, fix missing quest markers for enchanting and alchemy writs and resolve various text errors. We also have a fix for the Battlemaster’s Worm Fang which now correctly grants the associated runebox. We have various other fixes and adjustments listed below for this incremental patch, which is approximately 1.7GB in size. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
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25 Nov

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.2.8 fixes issues identified post Update 44 launch. The second incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in Imperial City, Greymoor, and Base Game content. We address some medaling and inactivity issues with 2-Sided Battlegrounds, fix missing quest markers for enchanting and alchemy writs and resolve various text errors. We also have a fix for the Battlemaster’s Worm Fang which now correctly grants the associated runebox. We have various other fixes and adjustments listed below for this incremental patch. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more

13 Nov

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.66 (PS4)/ v1.47 (PS5) and the Update 44 base game patch! This update brings 2-sided Battlegrounds matches, featuring 4v4 and 8v8 game modes. 2-sided Battlegrounds includes new maps and support for Capture the Relic, Team Death Match, Domination, Chaos Ball, and Crazy King modes. Additionally, two new companions, Tanlorin and Zerith-Var, join your journey through Tamriel. Update 44 also adds new content for Scribing and introduces a new reward system, Golden Pursuits. Scribing receives all-new Grimoire, 14 focus scripts for existing Grimoire and new Skill Styles. With Golden Pursuits, you can participate in limited-time curated activities that offer account-wide in-game rewards. In addition to these new features, bug fixes and improvements have been made across the game. Examples include an updated "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" questline returning as the current n... Read more
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.38.0.0 (Xbox) and the Update 44 base game patch! This update brings 2-sided Battlegrounds matches, featuring 4v4 and 8v8 game modes. 2-sided Battlegrounds includes new maps and support for Capture the Relic, Team Death Match, Domination, Chaos Ball, and Crazy King modes. Additionally, two new companions, Tanlorin and Zerith-Var, join your journey through Tamriel. Update 44 also adds new content for Scribing and introduces a new reward system, Golden Pursuits. Scribing receives all-new Grimoire, 14 focus scripts for existing Grimoire and new Skill Styles. With Golden Pursuits, you can participate in limited-time curated activities that offer account-wide in-game rewards. In addition to these new features, bug fixes and improvements have been made across the game. Examples include an updated "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" questline returning as the current new chara... Read more
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.38.0.0 (Xbox) and the Update 44 base game patch! This update brings 2-sided Battlegrounds matches, featuring 4v4 and 8v8 game modes. 2-sided Battlegrounds includes new maps and support for Capture the Relic, Team Death Match, Domination, Chaos Ball, and Crazy King modes. Additionally, two new companions, Tanlorin and Zerith-Var, join your journey through Tamriel. Update 44 also adds new content for Scribing and introduces a new reward system, Golden Pursuits. Scribing receives all-new Grimoire, 14 focus scripts for existing Grimoire and new Skill Styles. With Golden Pursuits, you can participate in limited-time curated activities that offer account-wide in-game rewards. In addition to these new features, bug fixes and improvements have been made across the game. Examples include an updated "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" questline returning as the current new chara... Read more

11 Nov

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.2.6 fixes issues identified post Update 44 launch. The first incremental patch for Update 44 address issues in Gold Road, Greymoor, and Base Game content. Specifically, we are fixing some issues in 2-sided Battlegrounds like queueing taking longer than expected with open slots. Along with other Battlegrounds fixes, we’re also resolving known issues with Companions, quests and various itemization in-game. You’ll find those and several other game fixes listed below. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more

30 Oct

Hi everyone. On Friday, November 1, we have a hotfix planned for the PC/Mac megaservers to address a few issues from our Update 44 launch. Specifically, we are addressing the following issues:
  • Deploying a fix to resolve an issue in Battlegrounds where a match is not filling all teams correctly and failing to start the battleground.
  • Resolving the issue with Battlegrounds Competitive Leaderboards not working as intended.
  • Fixing reported region crashing issues related to Battlegrounds.
  • Resolving the issue with Cyrodiil Repair Kits not working as intended.
  • Resolving an issue with the Anniversary Cake Slice, so you can once again be safely stored in your bag.
This hotfix will require downtime. Maintenance will start at 4:00 am ET/ 8:00 UTC. The estimated end time for maintenance will be around 9:00 am ET/ 13:00 UTC. Thanks for your continued patience as we work to resolve these issues.

29 Oct

Hello! We have pushed hotfixes to address four issues that surfaced after yesterday’s Update 44 PC/Mac launch. You will need to restart your game client to see these fixes. Please note that this is not all the issues from launch that we are tracking. You can see the full list including statuses here.
  • Fixed an issue with the Class Mastery Signature Script on Banner Bearer. Now, the player entering the AOE will only generate a Crux or the Nightblade Restoration if they don't already have the Banner Bearer buff on them, rather than triggering every time.
    • [*] Please note that this fix doesn...
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25 Oct

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v10.02.5 and the launch of Update 44! This update brings 2-sided Battlegrounds matches, featuring 4v4 and 8v8 game modes. 2-sided Battlegrounds includes new maps and support for Capture the Relic, Team Death Match, Domination, Chaos Ball, and Crazy King modes. Additionally, two new companions, Tanlorin and Zerith-Var, join your journey through Tamriel. Update 44 also adds new content for Scribing and introduces a new reward system, Golden Pursuits. Scribing receives an all-new Grimoire, 14 Focus scripts for existing Grimoires, and new Skill Styles. With Golden Pursuits, you can participate in limited-time curated activities that offer account-wide in-game rewards. In addition to these new features, bug fixes and improvements have been made across the game. Examples include an updated "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" questline, replacing the old tutorial for a better st... Read more

02 Oct

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.64 (PS4)/ v1.45 (PS5) fixes issues identified post Update 43 launch. These fixes are primarily focused on Base Game content. Bug fixes this patch include resolving a PvP queuing issue, fixing general Infinite Archive bugs, and resolving various housing interaction issues. You’ll find those and several other game fixes listed below. The size of this patch is approximately 641.8 MB (PS4)/ 551.3 MB (PS5). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.37.2.0 fixes issues identified post Update 43 launch. These fixes are primarily focused on Base Game content. Bug fixes this patch include resolving a PvP queuing issue, fixing general Infinite Archive bugs, and resolving various housing interaction issues. You’ll find those and several other game fixes listed below. The size of this patch is approximately 1.37 GB (XB1)/ 1.5GB (XBX). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more

26 Sep

Hello! We just pushed a hotfix on all servers for an issue where Molag Bal Illusion Imp fragments were not purchasable for players who owned every morphing collectible item up to and including the Anchorborn Welwa. Thank you!