Empyrion: Galactic Survival

Empyrion: Galactic Survival Dev Tracker

27 May

22 May

Hi Galactic Survivalists! First of all, thanks a lot for your patience, while he had to delay Phase 4. We have made good use of these additional days and a lot has happened in the code and in the game.

A few highlights:
  • The galaxy is now a lot more configurable. You can now use ‘Regions’ for local hotspots and for the general shape and design (amount and type of stars etc).
  • We have added the ‘Scoreboard’ to the old player overview (Button: B). You can now see a lot of stats and info in a leaderboard style
  • The Registry now allows to directly jump to a system with the ‘show on map’ button
Please find the full changelog added below.

There is one caveat, though: the flexibility for the galaxy-setup, database changes and other adjustments, now require a new game s... Read more
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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/2185880657966245229]here[/url].

06 May

Hi Galactic Survivalists! Welcome to week 3 of Alpha 12 Experimental.

For all those waiting to get hands on the dedicated server files: With phase 3 we made good progress in terms of performance and functions of the database and in fixing issues related to the server files. That being said, although the changes now have to be tested with your help in the current update, we are quite confident that next week's phase 4 will have the server files included eventually! :)

Please also note, there are a few more adjustments to be made for phase 4, which will result in a savegame break for your current, running savegames - which will also result in a full wipe of our Experimental Server.

Although this might be a bit inconvenient, but as you know: only new games, started with each phase will have all the changes on playfields, POIs and missions - as these game elements, unlike config changes, do not get updated in a running savegame.

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/2185879391034017749]here[/url].

21 Apr

Hello Galactic Survivalists! Today we kick off the first testing phase of the Alpha 12 Experimental! :)

Main feature additions:
  1. The Galaxy
  2. Active detection system
  3. Registry journeybook
  4. Interactive dialogues
  5. Dynamic key-token generation
  6. Space Base Defense
  7. Player-build teleporter system
  8. Full config files exposition
Besides those major topics, we added several new NPC Factions, a slew of technical and feature additions, new crafting materials like Titanium, updated POIs, Model and a lot more.

Have a look at the full changelog over here... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/3431122876670885377]here[/url].

18 Apr

Hi Galactic Survivalists! Most of you might wonder, when the Alpha 12 Experimental will hit your PC. Good news!

If everything works out as planned, the Experimental phase will start anytime next week!
As always..no liabilities assumed.

There is one thing to know about the upcoming Experimental:

For Alpha 12 we made a real BIG change in how the game handles data and info by adding a persistent database. This offers a myriad of new possibilities - in fact, it made some of the Alpha 12 features possible in the first place - but this needs to be tested in-depth, especially for Multiplayer.

That’s why this time, in the first week of the Experimental release, we will only have our own EXP Server as a testing field.

This way, we will be able to grab all the logs directly and track the performance of the database in a live environment with the highest possible load. Again, and to be precise: this is for the initial phase (only!)
We hope eve... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/3431122876659970592]here[/url].

16 Apr

Welcome back, Galactic Survivalists! For today's blog, we would like to give you more insight on a device feature, a lot of you have asked for.

Until now, you could make use of the device in question in NPC stations and some dungeons.
Now, it will be available to you players: Teleporters!

(New CV teleporter model)

The Teleporters will come in two versions:
  • Teleporter for bases. Their range will be 30 LY
  • Teleporter for capital vessels. They will allow you to teleport within a sector, what means between Planet <-> Orbit, Planet <-> Moon, Orbit <-> Moons etc. No need to EVA over to a space station anymore!
There are a few constraints of course.
  • You can NOT teleport to another PLAYER or PLAYER FACTIONS teleporters! You can...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/3431122876652105270]here[/url].

02 Apr

Hello Galactic Survivalists! It’s wednesday again! First and foremost: We hope you are all well - and if not, we hope you will get well very soon! And because we got a lot of concerned emails and messages: Everyone in the team is Ok or is already getting better. Thanks a lot for all the wishes. :)

We have been kind of silent the last 2 weeks, simply because a lot of code work had to happen, to flesh out the features.

Today we have a mix of different things that made good progress and got added until recently.
  1. The Empyrion ingame card game?
    Our Modelling team has been busy with some new stuff. We added two new devices (we will not disclose just yet. Sorry ;) ) and a few others, like the Zirax CV turrets that are currently in a finishing phase.

    A new entry to the blocks and devices are two gambling tables.

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/383120/announcements/detail/2081167529597433052]here[/url].

19 Mar

Hi Galactic Survivalist! We recently completed the technical integration of the gas giants. Similar to the new suns, you cannot land or fly to the gas giant itself, but they will offer more than enough moons for your exploration demands.

Time for a few impressions of this milestone progress. :)

Empyrion Dev Team

PS: Find all the dev blogs over here[empyriononline.com]

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11 Mar

Hi Galactic Survivalists! What happens when you attack a POI in space?

The question may sound trivial. You fight, you win or you get defeated. But beyond that point, there is not a lot of interactivity. Small and large space bases alike do not seem to be that important for the NPC factions, otherwise they would defend them better and very likely have a garrison of combat ships or reinforcements, right?

We recently spoke to our Zirax Empire and Polaris consultants, and as especially our always slightly nervous, weapon wielding friends brought up very convincing arguments, we cannot let this be the case any longer.

Reinforcements incoming!

With Alpha 12, when you are on a hostile or unfriendly standing with the owner of the POI in front of your guns, the station commander will call for help when you are coming too close. Depending on the level of the playfield, the NPC faction's vessels will warp in after a while - or sometimes the call will re... Read more

04 Mar

Hi Galactic Survivalists!

While the Content and the Global updates from the previous dev blogs are pretty much set - given nothing unexpected will keep us away from adding them to the game - the following topics are a bit more a ‘What we plan to add to the game, when time permits’ thing.

(WiP NPC Dialogue with 3 answer options)

The following Prototypes have been added only recently to the Alpha 12 feature list, but have a good chance to be in the initial Alpha 12 release. If not, then in Alpha 12.1 and onwards ;-)

  • NPC Dialogue with Multi-Answer options
    Ever wondered why the bartender in one of the Pax Purgatory bars only wants to sell his beverages but has nothing to say? Want to play a round of Black Jack with those NPCs that seem to dish out c...
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29 Feb

Hi Galactic Survivalists! Today, while the developers are heavily at work with the galaxy generation, NPC dialogues and such, we will talk about some of the more global content and convenience updates.

Global Updates
  • Lots of POI updates, that should have made it to A11 already, like dust and snow versions, fixes on signals and triggers etc pp.
  • Multitool: now works with UNDO in Creative mode
  • Projectors can have a background layer
  • Removed Alien01 and Spiders from starter areas (Crashsite and starter area)
Feature Updates
  • Inventory Sorting (alphabetically, item type, food points, mass and volume)
  • Increased Stacksize (up to 4000 per stack; Stacksizes are derived from item mass)
  • Player Turrets can now be used on any NPC Faction POI (without having to cheat in ammo
    and ammo boxes!)
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