Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

11 Jun

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, Seddrik-9mm said:

Yeah. Scavs are on high hacker mode today.


Customs. Night.  I just came off the hill from sniper road side. And all the scavs immediately start screaming at 3 story.   I flank around.... by the wall. Sneaking.  

One sees me thru the dark, he had no flashlight, and I was sneaking while crouched.

Doesn't matter evidently.


Not enjoyable when u cannot use tactics.

Not enjoyable when you program the scav AI to play like hackers.

Not about the gear. It is about the total negation of tactics because the AI auto detects like a hacker.

Create videos of such scenarios, post them here for discussion, see if the issue is something that you need to improve on or AI behavior, or both and then use that info to send it along with the video using th...

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10 Jun

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

please contact our support center about this issue, also please attach your game logs from that time.

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:

Thank you for every report!

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

the only way it could be done is that you would buy the higher edition as a gift and then give a gift to that person, when he will redeem it on his account, it will upgrade his game edition:


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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

Between Jun 10, 2019 10:00 PM – Jun 11, 2019 2:00 AM UTC

Our hoster will be performing maintenance on his network in Istanbul (TII). Service unavailability is expected during this maintenance. The game will be unavailable during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.

2 minutes ago, Ursagi said:

Так Full HD он пишет - это 1920×1080. На 27 дюймах, как мне кажется, пикселить будет при любом раскладе :) 

Не обратил внимание. Ну тогда да, на 27" картинка будет хуже. А сам монитор больше разрешение не держит? 

23 minutes ago, Kazarin said:

Здравствуйте,на Full HD в 27 дюймов стало очень сильно пиксилить,это текстуры режут дабы оптимизировать или у всех все норм?

Всё зависит от разрешения, на каком Вы играете? 2к?

04 Jun

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

@nikillnoPlease, watch the tone and the language you are using on the forum. I am referencing to the comment of yours that I just hid. You are breaking forum rules which I urge you to read here on:

That is the only way a user can remain a USER on the forum. Thanks!

03 Jun

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

It gives you an advantage but the right weapon and ammo will get the job done. It doesn't make you invisible. Funny that I just replied to a user that was asking for the opposite.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
18 minutes ago, Stratix03 said:

Anyway, if someone already had this kind of issue or if someone know what happened i'll be glad to know.

Very good chance that you got killed by exactly what the death screen said...shot to the head by a SCAV. Other than that, there isn't really anything we or others can tell you since all we have is this post and nothing else to look at. 

29 May

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

such function is not planned, we want the game hub to as minimalistic as possible, since we want our game to be realistic.

We are working on implementation of a physical compass that your character will be able to use, as Tr4wnet wrote, please always use the search function if the topic that you want to discuss was not already answered, thank you!


Since the topic was answered, I am locking it.


    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

personally, I would recommend you to first play on Customs, it is a map that can give you experience in fight on open and closed areas, also you can make money from loot on dorms, there is also a chance that Scav Boss (Reshala) can spawn there with his crew, which can give you experience with more aggresive AI and they have good stuff on them ;)

If you want just loot, then like others I would recommend Interchange, but it can take you some time before you will fully learn this map and the who...

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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 5/29/2019 at 10:01 PM, Slitsnipe said:

Im asking when, not what. Like how long do we have if you were to guess

Hello sir,

we do not have such information at the moment, as soon as we will have it, we will post it, so please keep an eye on our announcements.

28 May

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir, 

please report this issue to our support center through the game launcher. 

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:

Thank you! 

PS. Please report all the encountered issues this way, it goes directly to our specialists. 

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir, 

please always report such situations to our support center through the game launcher and please attach your game logs to the report, our specialists will check everything then, including the server you played at. 

You can see the instruction how to submit a report in the topic that I am sharing below:


Thank you for every report! 

27 May

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
          4 On 7/25/2018 at 4:22 AM, p4nnus said:

BSG has said that even the solo Offline mode will be removed once the game is released. This is not a PvE game. So Im pretty sure there wont be a coop mode. And yeah, this isnt a battle royale either, this is a hardcore instance based survival shooter.

This is an old thread and the information above is no longer accurate.

EFT is mainly an online game and that is not going to change since that is what is advertised and sold.

However, there will be an offline mode in EFT where you can jump in and play with friends. But, no progress will be saved for offline mode. Basically the current ...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just try to restart the game and it should work. If not, open a support ticket with logs attached. Thanks!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 5/23/2019 at 11:24 PM, knotiice said:

hey i own EOD edition already but my brother doesnt what will happen after .012 and there not selling anymore can you still get the gamma case ? gold names ? lager storage? 



EOD sales stop after the full game release. That is not the next update nor the one after that. There is no ETA on full release so he has time.

Gamma case comes with EOD only. There are other cases you can acquire via ingame quests.

Gold names are only for EOD.

Larger storage from day one is for EOD but others can upgrade their stash via ingame features that will be out with the Hideout feature.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
5 hours ago, QuantumItalian said:

After I posted this I did some more digging and found out this may be the issue.  Currently not on the most stable of networks at the moment.  I appreciate the reply, and I believe that answers the question as well.

Sounds good!

26 May

17 minutes ago, Kurumbus said:

Вы не думали о том чтоб давать призы не только за 1-ое место?

Мы обдумаем эту тему и примем решение.

25 May


27 мая 2019 года стартует новый, 4-й сезон рейтингов Escape from Tarkov, который продлится 3 недели - до 17 июня 2019 года. 

Награды за 4-й сезон:

  • За опыт - СВД-С х1, разгрузочный жилет Triton M43-A х2, морфин х3, оружейный кейс х1, кейс для патронов х2, биткоины х5.
  • За количество рейдов - Шлем Вулкан-5 х1, Бронежилет форт редут х1, ССО Атака2 рюкзак х2, оружейный кейс х1, кейс для патронов х2.
  • За убийства - ВПО-101 х3, оружейный кейс х1, кейс для патронов х2.
  • За время, проведенное в рейдах, - МДР х3, оружейный кейс х1, кейс для патронов х2.

И пусть победит сильнейший!

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