Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

27 Jun

1 hour ago, cov3N said:

если честно я ждал большой пост к концу июня с подробным описанием каждого функционала в убежище (что даёт, на что влияет и тд) , ну и вот с этими материалами.

Всему свое время. На подкасте точно будет больше информации.

1 hour ago, cov3N said:

Вы выкладываете просто огрызок с иконками, что бы я голову себе насиловал лишний раз. Хочешь что бы я вопрос задал? Я смотрю на иконку туалетной бумаги и у меня вопрос дикиго - зачем, #ля, чО? (с) 

Вы ведь всегда будете недовольны, любой информации которую мы размещаем, я правильно Вас понял? 

46 minutes ago, Blekfire said:

Как я понимаю для облодателей Edge of Darkness будит просто максимального уровня со старта?

Это не верная информация. Мы об этом ни...

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1 hour ago, seich said:

BSGTeam, без обид)) просто фан.

Это Вы автор? 

2 minutes ago, _Leader- said:

@Chernobyl_52 обнову в конце августа ждать, или получается раньше?

Мы не даем примерных сроков. Как будем готовы назвать даты, мы сообщим.


Dear Escapers! We are pleased to present you a video of The Hideout with a top-down view. Work in progress.

Please, watch it on our Facebook page.



Представляем вашему вниманию рабочий материал Убежища, режим просмотра, вид сверху.

24 Jun

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Escapers, as you might know, our Official Escape from Tarkov Discord server have launched over four months ago and have been steadily growing ever since. Recently, we have reached 21,000 players mark, and we love seeing all the team coordination, Tarkov passion, and casual banter.

The interaction is purely superb with over 6,000 text messages and 40,000 minutes worth of voice chat per day. We want to thank players like Kirylow_Grzmot and SoupyD who are incredibly active on the Discord server, the community moderation team who have contributed countless hours and the rest of the players who have been enjoying the server to gain all the Tarkov community experience. As we continue to strive in creating a fun, welcoming, and engaging environment, we will be hosting several events on our Discord server along with giveaways. The first of many will be a weapon modding contest where the winner of this event—who will be selected by the community—will have the opportunity t...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
On 6/22/2019 at 4:57 AM, Youngy84 said:

Hello, I think I need help, I have had to reset my account, had nothing left. I seem to be able to navigate customs ok, getting to grips with factory also, but I just have no idea what to look for, always seem to die in one bullet from somewhere I can't even see! I am taking it slow, sneaking, checking corners but still end  up in the dirt... any advice?

This is the wrong thread for it but few things you can do are:

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
12 hours ago, tomowackowack said:

Yea i am with you , they should remove the flea market completly it destroys the game and the macro spammers make a lot of money and sell it on ebay , gg remove it.


This is an old post before the flea market received several updates. However, to be honest with you all, the flea market is a major feature of the game and it is not going anywhere. It has constantly seen improvements and tweaks and that will continue. It would be ideal to focus on that instead of a complete removal since that won't be backed by many players nor by the studio. 

22 Jun


22 июня 1941 года — День памяти и скорби — день начала Великой Отечественной войны. 

Этот мрачный день напоминал и напоминает нам сейчас, о всех погибших солдатах в боях. Напоминает о боли что они испытали, о цене которую заплатили. Мы скорбим по всем, кто ценой своей жизни выполнил святой долг, защищая в те суровые годы Отечество и свои семьи, граждан и земли. Всем кто боролся за нашу свободу — спасибо! 

Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто. 

21 Jun

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
14 minutes ago, Znajka29 said:

Oh, that clears a lot , didn't saw that.

Thank you.

You are welcome!

20 Jun

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct


Hello sir,

you can configure your keybindings in the game settings:

You can set the buttons as you like and change the press type you want to use for each action.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

Below we present you new pictures presenting the upcoming FN P90!



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    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some new WIP materials for you ;) 


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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, Arzzet said:

Is a great reaource of info and help. Specially due to the vast number of items, skills and mechanics EFT have.


100% true, thanks to the guys and ladies that work on this!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Did you know that Escape from Tarkov has a fully established wiki? 

The community-driven, produced and regularly edited Escape from Tarkov wiki has recently become official! It comes in multiple languages which you can find below:

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
27 minutes ago, big_smokaa said:

I just bought tarkov and while attempting to download i get the error:   

Please mention what the error is and the issue in details. This post doesn't provide enough information to get quick support.

Few common things to try:

  • Restart PC
  • Run the launcher as admin
  • Windows and driver update
  • Checking firewall and antivirus blocking the download/game access
    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
4 hours ago, knotiice said:

1. I would like to know what gun I get killed by honestly very annoyed can't tell if it is a cheater or what cause can't tell if its a strong enough weapon to shoot me through gen 4 Armour even though said died by thorax...


Checking what weapon killed you doesn't justify cheater or not. There are many factors that play into death than just what gun, what ammo. There are calculations and percentages of penetration that take place that determines that. An easy fix is to not get shot. 

4 hours ago, knotiice said:

2. would like to know if a scav I died by or killed was AI controlled or by a real person.


That is one thing that EFT doesn't do and would not do. Not knowing if your enemy was just a SCAV player or a real player is what we advert...

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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
12 hours ago, Phantom26 said:

A couple of minutes later, and the server disconnects again. Only this time, I am dropped straight back into the main menu with no option to reconnect! I check my character, and everything is as before I began the raid. As if the last 30 minutes never happened!!! All my nice loot, all the progress is simply lost.


This happens when the server goes down completely. It is not a common case and its different from the rest of the disconnection cases. It is usually the case just before an update but I do not believe there was a patch at the time you were speaking of.