Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

22 Sep

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Where are you located? I ask to see if this is a server region related issue.

Make sure to have a stable wired connection and proper internet that can run online games in a stable manner. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, create a support ticket. This also could be from ISP/local side.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team strives hard to improve the current state of the game. If you're experiencing good results that is good news for us. Devs will keep on working on updates to provide better game experience for everyone. Would love to hear if said improvements were also the same case for others or not.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try to reinstall the Battlestate Games Launcher and restart your computer the try it again. Also check if your antivirus is blocking it. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have to ask, did you try to restart your PC?

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try closing the launcher, restart your computer, exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall, then launch the game as an Administrator. In addition, please make sure that you have a stable wired internet connection and there are no other programs running in the background that could be affecting your connection stability.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have received similar reports regarding this issue, please follow the steps below to fix the issue:

- Logout from the Launcher, restart your computer, then log back in.
- Launch the game using the Battlestate Games Launcher which is found in the Battlestate Games Folder.
- Run the game as an Administrator.
- Exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall.

If the steps above were unsuccessful, try switching from manual servers to auto-select servers. If all fails, contact support.

18 Sep

17 Sep

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client, which contains minor technical improvements.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client, which contains minor technical improvements.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher.



Мы вовсю приближаемся к завершению работ над основными задачами обновления 0.12.8. Как я говорил ранее, в обновлении будет большое количество улучшений качества жизни игроков, контента, фиксов и т.д. Мы планируем провести Девблог подкаст на следующей неделе, и есть высокая вероятность, что мы покажем кое-что интересное, например, компас, сильное кровотечение, и тому подобное.

Приношу свои извинения за то, что в последнее время не было новостей, - дело в том, что сейчас необходимо быть как можно более сфокусированными (потому что мы всё ещё работаем из дома, и в связи с этим работать труднее).

Берегите себя и следите за новостями!

Команда разработки EFT.


Мы установили небольшое техническое обновление  клиента, которое содержит разные минорные технические исправления. Всем игрокам нужно скачать обновление через лаунчер.

16 Sep

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a minor technical update of the client to improve the stability of the game.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher


Мы установили небольшое техническое обновление  клиента для улучшения стабильности работы игры. Всем игрокам нужно скачать обновление через лаунчер.

15 Sep

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client, which contains minor technical improvements.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We've installed a technical update of the client, which contains minor technical improvements.

Everyone needs to download the update through the launcher


Мы установили небольшое техническое обновление  клиента, которое содержит разные минорные технические исправления. Всем игрокам нужно скачать обновление через лаунчер.

13 Sep

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Post has derailed from the initial discussion. That said, I will be locking this. 

For the main question of the OP, such things are not available for reporting or reviews. We actively get reports from staff members about names and we take care of those on a small scale but nothing in a major report process manner. This is also more complicated than a simple action. Imagine the review process, the appeal (because who knows what led it to this) and also legal aspects of it after user is banned/suspended. 


Simple solution is, do not add random people, ignore and more on. This is more of my personal suggestion and knowing how the internet can be, you simply cannot fight it.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please utilize our report system via Launcher for players with suspicious activities. It is on Bug Report, choose the category "Suspicion of using cheats".

22 hours ago, Andy_Larkin said:

Interesting marketing concept from BSG - Earn all the eod version money but dont react on hacker lul


I respect your opinion but as a marketing expert and a business person, cheaters do not help with neither marketing nor business. They are actually bad for both. That is why the anti-cheat industry is huge. If it was good for marketing and business, BattleEye and others would have been out of business. 

That said, cheaters are actively getting banned and it is an actively ongoing battle. Thanks!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the help however this fix won't be applicable to everyone. We are working on a permanent fix for the said issue and we will inform everyone once we are finish. Thanks for sharing this for those that it will work for.