Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Внимание! Загрузка патча 0.12.8 планируется ПРИБЛИЗИТЕЛЬНО в среду на следующей неделе (возможно раньше!). Следите за новостями.

07 Oct



Сообщаем, что третья книга по мотивам игры уже в продаже! 

«Хозяин ночи» Александра Конторовича - прямое продолжение истории Хищника, простого человека, вынужденного выживать и приспосабливаться в безжалостном мире Таркова.
Желаем приятного чтения!

Приобрести электронную версию книги можно в официальном мерчсторе проекта

Откройте для себя игру в литературном исполнении!


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    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Seems like your IP address is blocked. You need to contact support and get it reviewed/unblocked. Make sure to send your IP address with the support message you will send too. 

That is also why a VPN worked for your since a VPN will change your IP address. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

EFT is a demanding game per se and still under development so not fully optimized yet. That said, I do not believe you can do much except playing around with the game settings to find the best possible for your system (watch some YouTube videos too) or hardware upgrade.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are probably logging into the wrong account. The option should and will be there. Make sure you are logged into the correct account which is the:



I can see your package is still under your profile so double check that.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try common fixes.

- Logout from the Launcher, restart your computer, then log back in.
- Launch the game using the Battlestate Games Launcher which is found in the Battlestate Games Folder.
- Run the game as an Administrator.
- Exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall.
- Try to reinstall everything.

If the steps above were unsuccessful, reinstall Battlestate Games Launcher then try it again.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

More RAM will definitely help. Even from 8 to 16 will be significant. Lag and freeze is one of the known issues with EFT but it has improved a lot since the past issues and now a days it is more prominent with lower spec users. I see you are gaming on a laptop so that could be also why. I also believe you might be having an overheating issue that causes thermal throttling. Which all explains why you have to restart every 2-3 games. RAM will help here but not fully. You need a gaming PC (as an ultimate fix). 

05 Oct

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please make sure that all of your drivers are up to date. In addition, perhaps try to reinstall the game incase something broke when updating with the new patch. Actually the first time I seen this. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please utilize the Bug Report in the Launcher. Choose a category then fill up the necessary information needed, attach any images or videos that you have then submit the report.


I also recommend that you provide more context when making reports because it is difficult to understand here what exactly you are trying to report. Steps to be able to replicate the exact issue would also be super helpful. Thanks!

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could be a temporary issues with server you were joining or something. If it is not happening all the time, you are good. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you have any audio software installed? If yes, try to disable it and try again. You may also try to uninstall your sound drivers, restart your computer, then reinstall your sound drivers.

Also try to reinstall EFT again just in case. I also recommend updating your windows and sound drivers. Just few things I would try first. 

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you still having issues? Try to use a different browser then try it again. Cleaning browser files could also help. As a last resort, try to use a VPN.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Did you try to make a clean reinstallation of the game? Delete everything including the launcher and reinstall the game. 
Try to:
- Reinstall the Battlestate Games Launcher and game
- Exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall
- Run it as an Administrator

If the steps above didn't solve the issue, please send a support ticket for us to further assist you.

02 Oct


Новый мерч уже в магазине!

Дорогие друзья! Рады сообщить вам об обновлении ассортимента магазина мерча. 

Были добавлены:

  • Программируемые карточки Terra Group Labs
  • Кружки Terra Group Labs
  • Патчи Terra Group Labs
  • Кружки BEAR, USEC и EFT с soft touch покрытием
  • Металлические значки BEAR и USEC
  • Футболки в оливковом цвете
  • Бронежилеты (реплика)
  • Разгрузки
  • Планшет для документов 
  • BEAR тельник

и многие другие предметы из игры Escape from Tarkov. 

По всем вопросам, связанным с доставкой, качеством товара, обменом/возвратом, обращайтесь на почту ...

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30 Sep

5 minutes ago, _3EBC_ said:

Самое главное наверно для многих не подметили в списке,что вайпа не будет. Или всё таки размышляете по этому поводу ?

Вайпа не будет в этом патче.


Дорогие друзья! Мы рады представить вам предварительный список изменений следующего патча 0.12.8. Данный список не окончательный, возможны изменения.

0.12.8 патч не будет на этой неделе! Нужно все хорошенько дотестить.


  • Новое умение "Ручное производство". 
  • Новое умение "Управление убежищем". 
  • Новый специальный предмет Компас
    • новый предмет, позволяющий легко определять направление (азимут) нажав на клавишу U. Предмет экипируется в новый нелутаемый слот (то есть с вас компас снять не смогут).
  • Новый тип кровотечения - сильное кровотечение 
    • может открыться с более низким шансом, чем обычное кровотечение. Для остановки необходимы специальные предметы для остановки сильного кровотечения (также некоторые аптечки имеют свойство остановки сильного кровотечения). Персонаж с сильным кровотечение...
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28 Sep

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please make sure that all of your drivers are up to date. In addition, conduct an integrity check on your game files and exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall, and launch the game as an administrator.

If not reach out to support:

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Try to:

- Logout from the Launcher, restart your computer, then log back in.
- Launch the game using the Battlestate Games Launcher which is found in the Battlestate Games Folder.
- Run the game as an Administrator.
- Exempt the game to your antivirus/firewall.

If the steps above didn't work, Try reinstalling the launcher.


If this fails contact support.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Most of our updates are always being announced to everyone. I suggest to follow our social media channels in order to get the most latest news for Escape of Tarkov. We also have Podcasts that come with some information. 

As far as the information I have so far and the vision of EFT, such thing is not planned. Perhaps in the future you will see Russia 2028, a single-player game focused on such things. EFT is different in the traditional term of "campaign". But of course the game has a story behind it, lore it follows, clues and info you find out as you understand the game and universe more. However, it is not the traditional campaign game.