Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

07 Apr


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Originally posted by Deplorable090

Nikita I've seen this in a lot of games that the devs actually pay attention to what the "players" are saying and by "players" i mean the loudest whiners on the server... They make changes based on the biggest cry babies and the silent people enjoying the game suffer.

Most notible I can think of personally is Funcom with Age of Conan before patch 1.4 I believe, been a while, there was no PVP gear, your equipment didn't mean shit at all it was all player skill at level 80 then people cried up a storm because raidin was pointless and they said to make the game more like WOW with their arena bullshit consequently their hardcore playerbased f**ked off to better games and what use to be a phenominal game dried up and blew away like a fart in the wind.

Don't let beta bitch boys tell you guys how to do your thing, you're making the game not them, I'm not saying ignore player base, just don't lose sight of your original vision to cater to the "omg mosin is so op! Omg hatc...

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thank you! we are paying attention to everything and we know what to do for sure


this feature is plan in more "solid" way. raiders will hunt you or specific players on other maps (karma will influence on that too)


Originally posted by bopachinas

What are you testing?

Gathering market data with such a short time period seems like a waste, the data would be skewed heavily thus making it useless.

we are gathering sweet user experience, getting data on most effective tactics, valuable items etc


there will be very good TAA in 0.12


Originally posted by dohinky

Make sure your team knows I love them too <3 <3

got it!


Originally posted by Rick_Danger-

Is anyone else getting tired of the "cater to me!" Attitude of some of this subreddit? BSG has done fine so far. Maybe we should backup and let them make their damn game.

thank you


it was never about "bring players back". its about actual testing things that we can't test right after wipe or in the middle of wipe.

06 Apr


Originally posted by Nekolacek

So basically what you are testing right now? :)

kinda, yes. pre-wipe events are good for testing global shake ups. sorry who wanted to have fun or relax - it will be over soon. actually never thought that EFT will be treated as relax kind of game.


in the release version you will have traders locked behind quests, triggers etc. also traders can get ill, they will have working time with dayoffs, vacations etc. so they will be adapted to real persons. That's the concept. With higher standing trader will send you messages about changes in his/her working time period, specific item shortage, global market state changes.


Originally posted by cosalich

This is the chosen thread. The rest will be removed and directed here.

Yes this is intentional by BSG

yes it is. gonna collect tons of stats and other valuable info. thanks everybody who participate!


i hear you bro. <3

05 Apr


we know about this. some inner logical problem


Originally posted by BattleBuddy12b

I love you Nikita!!!!



Originally posted by Roknor

So what if I put the item in a scavs backpack for my friend?

if you found them in current raid (spawned on location) - they will count


Originally posted by BaldSHark

Labs will be empty as the key card is extremely hard to get

you already know that it will be extremely hard to get? you should relax


Originally posted by skyking1010101

Alrighty, thanks for answering, that will be lit cuz we legit can put a fort on our head :)

lots of drawbacks also. its very heavy