Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

16 Mar


they learnt new moves!


Originally posted by ThisIsPestily

I think I was the nervous one at the start which is silly because i'm never nervous like that. stumbling over my words. Nikita just makes me moist clearly... I'm glad there's a lot of positive feedback about the podcast! It was a great to have the opportunity to learn more about the world of Nikita and BSG!

thank you! everything was alright!

15 Mar


Originally posted by QiuGee

I'm sure you now are aware of it, but your mic cuts from time to time ^^

yeah, unfortunately i was told about it too late after podcast


actually i wasnt nervous, but yes - i needed a warmup. thanks, everybody!


Originally posted by Lazypole

Just curious, with damage being tied to the type of round, a unique feature to tarkov, how do you intend to balance bolt action rifles firing the same cartridge as semi auto? One will likely be left extremely powerful or pretty useless

Might I suggest other aspects to rifles such as length of barrel effecting damage length and type of barrel (twist rate) effecting accuracy, weight of the rifle effecting recoil but also penalising ADS stamina drain, etc.

yes you described it by yourself :)


Originally posted by Lonely_Scylla

How exactly would you buff the Mosin, I’m curious

implement SVD, i guess..


Originally posted by pxld1

When I first saw EOD, I said, "No way in hell... That's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a game. And especially on an unreleased game at that!" So I bought standard during one of the 25%-30% discounts.

Fast forward a few months and EFT is starting to get its hooks into me. I can tell it's got something special going on.

Fast forward 6-9 months from that and I started following EFT's development more closely. I watched the past a current video podcasts, directly heard Nikita and his team's passion for the game... And that's when I knew for sure that the folks at BSG are not only making one heckuva game, but they are closely involved with its surrounding communities.

Can you name any other dev team that literally reads and responds directly to its players on its forums and subreddits on a regular basis? Any other dev team that actually gives its fans a shot at directly contributing to the game (USEC voicelines, etc)? Any other dev that spends HOURS at...

Read more

thank you!

14 Mar


Originally posted by Mehammered

It would be nice if we had a toggle to cancel med when attempting to sprint.

Also our group all think the Dsync or input lag has not improved at all really. Some of the ADS feels better but the big stutter happen.

we noticed some inconsistency - trying to fix it in hotfixes

12 Mar


Originally posted by Smienov

Im pretty sure these are the right logs. Thanks Nikita.

thanks a lot!


Originally posted by circa86

Great idea! /u/trainfender is this possible?



could you send me logs from this session?

10 Mar


Originally posted by Chocolate_Charizard

What's your go to brand of vodka?

don't like vodka actually. but Beluga is the best


Originally posted by Antipartical

Setting a new standard for fps isnt easy work much appreciated

you are too kind, thanks


Originally posted by Joeth3br0

So similar to something not rendering because its behind a mountain or object?



Originally posted by Joeth3br0

Sorry for asking a probably dumb question, but what's culling?

it hides object which are you not supposed to see


Originally posted by Dartillus

I suggest you take April 1st off. No one will believe it anyway!



Originally posted by Dartillus

Just wondering, do you ever take time off?

rare thing for me. but its exist


thanks for this info. we will check