Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

02 Feb


Nikita is a russian male name) you can call me Nik to avoid confusion :)


Originally posted by Felixzed

I've heard from you multiple times on the Talking Tarkov podcasts that you often were inspired by how certain games did stuff, like EVE Online's economy for example, i'd be interested to know what sort of stuff you were inspired by.

it was self inspiration mostly. the idea to create Russia 2028 universe was long time ago. Games like stalker, dayz, deus ex, dead space, books by Strugatsky brothers and many others added additional inspiration


Originally posted by SparkyCJ1

I know this has been asked to hell, but can you shed any light on the SVD?

almost done


Originally posted by aer0000

From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.

Sorry, i really appreciate your commitment to the game and you are killing it with the communication lately, but do you really want to excuse the problems of the game/netcode/servers with global internet problems or provider problems? I mean everybody knows tarkov still has huge problems, its lame to blame "the internet" itself for it.

I dont want to be an ass or offend you in any way but i think thats just not true, sorry

of course not. im just saying that perfect network is not possible


Originally posted by laki_pl

are those chemlights attached to rigs or just throwable?

throwable at first


Originally posted by StarSetEconomy

The problem is that the center of gravity of the weapon is more towards the rear behind the magazine, or at the magazine itself. Adding weight behind the center of gravity will actually cause the gun to pivot back causing recoil to increase not decrease. A weight at the front of the gun, like suppressors, should theoretically decrease recoil as the extra weight is forward of the fulcrum and not behind it. A big heavy magazine may actually make a recoil worse.

we can do it, we have such kind of point - center of mass. by changing it with mods it could lead to interesting results


Originally posted by McJanglez


Add contracts to game to encourage certain use of game in various ways. In Black Ops 1 there was a menu that you could purchase a contract from a list:

So in Tarkov it could be a new trader that sells them. For example:

"Ruski Killer: Kill 10 Bears in 24 hrs. Cost 10k Rouble Payout: 100k Rouble".

These could be more specific to encourage use of items that are rarely used:

"9mm player slayer: Kill 10 Player Scavs with MPX or MP5".

With this addition I would like each Player Scav to have a free contract they spawn with. Basically another goal other than running to extract. So an example scav contract could be:

"Team up with another player scav. Payout: 50k"

So it would encourage scav groups. There is so much you could do...

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i really like your suggestions! and this suggestion is not an exception)


Originally posted by PainiteTheGem

I whacked Killa yesterday and I was looking at his pockets thinking, "Man it'd be so nice to do budget runs with just pockets like this and some light armor!"

Equipping new pants could do it, but I believe Nikita has said that we won't lose whatever clothes we buy on death? Naked boys with permanent Killa-pockets seems a bit OP, So my idea would be this.

Let us buy Battle Belts from Ragman that would change our pocket slots! Obviously they'd be lost on death, and they couldn't be very big.

I'd say the largest belt would be 3 1x2 slots and maybe one or two 1x1 slots, with the smallest ones being two 1x2's and a pair of 1x1's...something to that degree! It'd be so cool to run around in Trooper Armor, with a tan Battle Belt and a USEC hat, with an MP5 or something.

Just thinking about it makes my tacticool-senses tingle.

These would have an especially good place at level 1-2 Ragman, when you don't have access to much besides the Scav Vest and m...

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yes its sounds cool and we thought about it. maybe in some DLC)


Originally posted by trainfender

We are investigating, removing suspicious servers, gathering logs. From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. Our servers are not cheap, they are powerful enough to handle the game. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.

we are sorry for this troubles


We are investigating, removing suspicious servers, gathering logs. From our point nearly every single day something is going on with internet overall, cluster overloads, hosting troubles. Our servers are not cheap, they are powerful enough to handle the game. But we are not insured from global problems with the network, problems on the line and problems specifically with your providers.


Originally posted by MrUnicornator

Hi Nikita,

from time to time you mention that a companion app will be build where for example we can trade, move stash etc.

Some months ago I tried to reach out directly and via e-mail (which I sent August 30, 2018), but I haven't got any answer yet, so I'm trying my luck here.

I wanted to ask you, if it is possible to help you creating that mobile companion app. My daily life is developing such apps, running in the Web, on iOS and on Android, so all major platforms are covered. I'm also aware of the backend side, I call myself the typical full-stack-developer. Alongside with the mail, I wrote, that I've written several articles, small books about the technologies I'm using in my daily life. Additionally, I've given more than 50 talks and workshop on that topic. Within the mail I sent you there are also links to all that stuff I've mentioned.

Since I love the game, I want to contribute something back to it and ...

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yes, its possible. but not right now. let us reopen this question later - i noted this


i know that it sounds not so important when i say it everytime, but fix of this is planned


Originally posted by Nesano

I'll update the thread so people know. The main point still stands, however.

casualize is not an option for us


Originally posted by humbugg2

When this game can safely alt-tab it will be a complete game. It's gotten so much better though guys, amazing job :)

for sure)


Originally posted by ipokestuff

Man I love you and the entire BSG team. Keep up the great work. The amount of love, sweat and tears you've put into this game is incredible.

thanks! its a hard work indeed


Originally posted by PyrohawkZ

Ive tested nvg, they aren't that great.. the problem is that they can't see through the "night fog" any better than not wearing them at all would let you see - so they dont do anything but color the world green, sometimes making things harder to see.

Imo the good NVG should at least let you see further away, and give more definition in dark areas

yes, thats why im thinking that we need NVG fixes first


Originally posted by MagicCityMan

Big trades, $20mil rubles or more, there is not enough room in the hand-in screen/window. So you can't complete the deal because there aren't enough spaces to fit all the money.

got it. we will increase money stack size next wipe


Originally posted by szarlej47

Is it going to be during this season or we need to wait for a wipe?

during this wipe