Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

30 Apr

29 Apr


we will add an ability to make special upscale screenshots without GUI in modding screen


Originally posted by Anetisi

The Battlestate Games Chief Operating Officer my fellow gamers. 2019, Russia.

Just try and black it out completely Nikita. I mean, who the f**k is even using scopes right?

no need to overreact this way. issue is noted



Originally posted by YeetYeetingtonSir

If it doesn't render for the other player, the armor simply doesn't exist.

cool story

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
8 hours ago, John_T_Shepard said:

for single player can we pause the game

EFT is an online game. Fully online. 

27 Apr


Originally posted by GamaCraft

I have a question I just want the actual devs to confirm this,is Reshade going to be bannable in the future ?

some of the reshade features, yes


Тема для репортов.


2 минуты назад, kit_ru сказал:

Мой друг, читер,

У Вас есть друг читер? Вы зареганы 12 минут назад, со стандартным паком. Но читер у Вас друг. Я всё правильно понял?


● Читеров банят сразу же, каждый день (некоторые из них получают бан немного позже или попадают под "бан-волну" для достижения кумулятивного эффекта). 

● Читы довольно часто "перестают работать" (если вы зайдёте на сайты разработчиков ЗПО, вы сможете увидеть, что некоторые из них даже прекратили поддержку читов для Escape from Tarkov). Но некоторые читоделы не стоят на месте - они довольно часто и оперативно обновляют свои читы (для любых популярных игр и любой системы защиты от читов). Мы разрабатываем античит, они же создают анти-античит. 

● Мы постоянно ведём борьбу с читерами, и прямо сейчас мы готовим крупное обновление для античита. 

● В скором времени планируется функция внутриигровых репортов (мы об этом неоднократно говорили). Эти репорты НЕ БУДУТ являться единственной причиной блокировки. Они лишь помогут системе функционировать быстрее. 

● Если вы недовольны текущей ситуацией (не смотря на то, что она ул...

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let us check on this. but it will really helpful if you submit bugreport and write here a ticket number


Originally posted by ChytryGrubas

I feel this thread is forced from all the accusations and daily threads about cheaters and the issue "not being addressed" as said by many.
Not to be mistaken, it is an issue, a very serious issue which negatively impacts everything that the game covers. Cheating in games is like an evolving disease. It is a constant and never ending battle, at least I believe it never ends, because whenever one breach is sealed a new one opens giving people opportunity to go through.
I really appreciate whenever a developer speaks out in order to ensure his followers that necessary actions are already being taken especially when tension on a certain topic is high such as now.
I understand the point of view of players, they constantly see the same people killing them using cheats, they see certain cheat developers running wild because "BSG anti-cheat sucks", but try and get into boots of the developer. He sees unsatisfied person and tries to do everything that's possible to satisfy t...

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Originally posted by LommyGreenhands

Do you have a plan to deal with the real money market for tarkov items? I think if you dealt with that, cheating would automatically become less profitable and therefor less appealing. These people arent just cheating to cheat, they are cheating to make money.

yes, we plan to deal with it