EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

01 Jun

Furious Capsuleers,

With the return of the Anger Games now underway, the next round of Abyssal Proving Grounds action is dedicated to the beloved community-run tournament. What does that mean? This time 1V1 cruiser combat comes with a hot-headed twist. All ships that enter this Proving Ground clash will receive a special bonus that doubles the benefits gained from overheating the following module groups:

  • Tackle Modules
  • Propulsion Modules
  • Repair Modules
  • Resistance Modules
  • Energy Warfare Modules Turrets
  • Launchers

That means you can expect furiously intense, dramatic action throughout the one day this 1V1 event, which takes pla...

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26 May

Ambitious Capsuleers!

From 26-30 May, you can take advantage of a 2 for 1 offer on both Skill Extractors and Alpha Injectors!

With a Skill Extractor applied to your account, you can take existing Skill Points from a character, and then re-assign them elsewhere. If you’ve traveled down a training path that no longer serves your goals, you can use these Extractors to quickly catch up elsewhere.

Alpha Injectors, on the other hand, make it easy to quickly apply 50,000 Skill Points to your Alpha pilot of choice. It’s the perfect way to speed up your training goals, and get your new career off to a faster start!

Both Skill Extractors and ...

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25 May

Democratically minded Capsuleers!

Over the last couple of weeks, we have reviewed all the CSM applications to ensure that they meet the outlined guidelines and eligibility requirements. We initially made a commitment this round of aiming to have a 72-hour turnaround for applicants this term. We acknowledge that we didn’t hit that number as close as we’d hoped with every single applicant due to a combination of issues surrounding both Fanfest and COVID-19 illness across the team, but we did still get the bulk of the applications confirmed in record time.

To give a summary and reminder of the timeline for upcoming CSM17 ke...

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24 May

Competitive capsuleers,

The Anger Games returns to EVE in its fifth iteration! This community-ran PvP tournament kicks off on 28 May with 32 teams going head-to-head in a double elimination 7v7 arena format. In double elimination, losing teams drop to a lower bracket, fighting to stay in for a chance to win. If you’re a fan of tournament PvP then you don’t want to miss this as it kicks off this Saturday at 17:00 UTC!

You can watch the Anger Games over on CCP TV so don’t miss out on your chance to see it live with thousands of other spectators. Every team will be playing on the first night (Saturday) and on Sunday. Lucky teams will play on towards a gripping final on 12 June at 19:00 ...

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20 May

Welcome back Capsuleers!

It feels like just yesterday when downtown Reykjavik was bustling with EVE players for Fanfest. It was an incredibly awesome experience, and if you missed any of the content you can catch it all back on our YouTube or Twitch channels. The city won’t be the same without you, but fortunately we have...

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19 May

Intrepid Capsuleers!

Starting today Alpha pilots can now take advantage of EVE Anywhere, the revolutionary cloud-based platform that puts New Eden directly in your browser of choice!

EVE Anywhere has been developed in close collaboration with our trusted partner Intel, and allows you to play EVE on the go through Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge - whether you’re on a PC or tablet.

This partnership provides EVE pilots with access to high-capacity computing power - via the cloud - as and when it’s needed. Whether you’re fighting, mining, or building an industrial empire, EVE Anywhere can help you switch seamlessly between client and browser-based play.

Alpha players can enjoy 24 hours of EVE Anywhere in exchange for 30 PLEX. The service will also be rolled out into more territories later on this year, as we work towards our ultimate goal of releasing EVE Anywhere…everywhere!

This phase of EVE Anywhere wouldn’t be possible without the feedback we’ve r...

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18 May

Celebratory Capsuleers!

As this year’s Capsuleer Day event comes to a close, you’ll soon be able to wrap up the party in explosive style with an exciting new Proving Grounds!

With 19 years of EVE’s space saga under our belts, the next FFA Proving Grounds features a very fitting set of special conditions:

  • 19% increase to turret and missile damage
  • 19% increase to ship velocity
  • 19% increase to sensor strength
  • 19% reduction in ship signature radius

The ship of choice this time? The Sunesis, making this one party where everyone’s invited! The Meta Level requirement is 0, but the usual restrictions apply. When planning your fits, keep in mind that the following modules are banned:

  • Sensor dampeners
  • Weapon disruptors
  • Shield boost amplifiers
  • Shield rechargers
  • Shield power relays
  • Shield flux coils
  • Core defense field purgers

To liven up the party ...

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16 May

Fanfest-loving Capsuleers,

Fanfest 2022 has reached its conclusion, and we couldn’t have dreamed of a better event to reunite our community after too many years apart.

Bringing together so many of the EVE community in-person provided a very special opportunity to catch-up, share memories of the stories we’ve made and played together in New Eden, and get enthused about what is becoming a very exciting future for EVE Online. Fanfest may have ended, but there’s a lot to look forward to in New Eden!


And aside from the parties, pub-crawls and off-site adventures around Iceland, Fanfest saw all kinds of news stories, announcements, and insights about coming changes that will make EVE even better, as we power towards the third decade.

Through a series of presentations, developer interviews, roundtables and panels – many of whic...

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13 May

Economic Capsuleers!

The Monthly Economic Report for April 2022 is now available.

You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.


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Space-conscious Capsuleers,

Following on from the crazy adventure that was Fanfest 2022, the team is eager to get the latest Photon UI updates released for you to try. The May release has dozens of bug fixes and improvements based on your feedback. Here are just a few of those changes:

  • Chat update notifications return.
  • A new tabbed window header in select windows, utilizing header space better.
  • Inactive windows are more serene.
  • Animated grain texture removed.
  • Tab highlights are more balanced.
  • Lots and lots of bug fixes!

That’s not all, though. The June release is starting to take shape, too, with the headline...

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07 May

News-hungry Capsuleers,

Day two of Fanfest 2022 has been incredible. It was packed with amazing presentations, roundtables, developer interviews and updates, which means there’s a whole lot more news to share today, following all that was announced yesterday.

Here you’ll find a round-up of key news, updates and announcements from day two of Fanfest, most of which takes a deeper dive into what was revealed at the previous day’s keynote ...

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06 May

Future-facing Capsuleers,

After a four-year wait, today marked the first day of the return of Fanfest – and it’s already shaping up to be a truly memorable one.

Today the vision for the future of EVE was revealed in the Fanfest 2022 keynote presentation. A selection of CCP developers shone a light on how EVE will move resolutely into the third decade with some exciting plans ahead.

If you want to watch the keynote in full from the comfort of your own home, you can watch the VOD from CCP TV here

If you're after the highlights, below are some of the major updates and announcements from the keynote.


A new narrative approach t...

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The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.04). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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04 May

Glorified Capsuleers,

The second volume of EVE: Capsuleer Chronicles is available now! Follow Otila, a man who has followed the best path available for his personal survival since long before he became a Capsuleer, during the Triglavian Invasion of Raravoss in YC122 – where turncoat Capsuleers swayed by the invitation of the enigmatic Zorya Triglav enabled the first successful procession of a star system into Final Liminality.

In just what direction will this Capsuleer’s flow be proven to aim? Dive in and find out!

Volume 2 of 4, “Mercenary”, is available to read online now through a selection of sources. Check out the ...

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03 May

Party-prepping Capsuleers!

EVE’s 19th birthday is upon us, and you can now celebrate Capsuleer Day XIX in New Eden with an exciting new challenge!

While CONCORD enforces order, a shadowy network of smugglers has begun to spread its influence across New Eden. Starting today until 24 May, Capsuleers are tasked with infiltrating the smugglers’ sites, but can expect twists and turns along the way.

New Combat & Hacking Sites

New combat and hacking sites are appearing all over New Eden, and CONCORD will reward Capsuleers who take the fight to the smugglers!

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You can use scanner probes to discover the Smuggler Dead Drop hacking sites, and then confiscate their loot using your Data Analyzer modules.

The event combat sites are accessible to any combat ships of battlecruiser si...

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02 May

Outgoing capsuleers,

The week of EVE Fanfest is upon us and there are many events happening throughout the week. The schedule is packed so let’s make sure that you are aware of everything that the city has to offer for you in the week leading up to EVE Fanfest 2022. If you prefer planning your own nights with your groups then we also have something for you.

The city of Reykjavík welcomes you and for the occasion we have partnered with multiple establishments that you can take advantage of for a week to remember.

Community Events

EVE FANFEST PRE-ADVANCE MIXERS at Mál og Menning & Lebowski Bar

Monday 2 May 19:00-23:00


We have had to change the Pre-Advance Mixers to different locations as was originally announced. Starting early in the week, we have teamed up with a couple of bar...

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01 May

Vaunted Capsuleers,

Don’t miss your last chance to save up to 19% on PLEX! The Capsuleer Day Savings sale ends in just 24 hours on 2 May at 11:00 UTC.

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Remember that you can spend your PLEX in the New Eden Store on everything from SKINs to Omega time and more! You can even sell it on the market to earn ISK.

So, head to the Steam, EPIC, New Eden or the EVE Store and purchase PLEX at this incredible pri...

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29 Apr

Greetings Capsuleers,

Welcome to this special Fanfest edition of the Community Beat! This time next week, many of you will already have descended on the rock to meet your friends, corpmates, and EVE Online developers. You‘ve been able to feel the vibe of Fanfest’s return around the office for many weeks, but we are growing increasingly excited to actually high-five old friends and make new connections over the event week. A lot is going on, so if you have not already, do make sure to check out the Fanfest 2022 Megablog we released earlier.

The Community team

It has been a good few years since we last met at an official event. We want to better introduce the Community team to all the pilots coming to the world’s best player convention. Our team ar...

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27 Apr

Fellow Capsuleers,

After four incredibly long years, it is finally time to welcome you to our home in Reykjavik for EVE Fanfest! Next week, pilots from across the globe will be descending on the rock in force to paint the town in exclusive New Eden fashion (please expect some TiDi at local pubs). Together, we will celebrate the 19th anniversary of EVE Online and – most importantly – the fantastic community that inhabits its universe.

We are returning to a familiar location this year. The Laugardalshöll venue hosted many EVE Fanfest events in the past, and it will take on a recognizable look thanks to our generous hosts from the Caldari State. The schedule is packed with presentations, roundtables, wacky events, parties, and other activities that we all love when attending EVE Fanfest.

For everyone who cannot make it to meet with us in person, we will have a live broadcast of the event on ...

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Venerated Capsuleers,

EVE’s 19th birthday and Fanfest are almost in sight so why not start the celebrations early? Huge discounts are coming to the EVE Store with up to 19% off PLEX during the Capsuleer Day Savings sale!

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For players who prefer to use Steam or EPIC, the sale continues in your respective stores. Check out the deals and take advantage.

Deals like this don’t come around often and this one only lasts until 2 May. Head on over to the EVE Store to grab a deal, then spend your PLEX on SKINs, Omega time, or even sell it on the market for ISK!

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