EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

22 Apr

Respected Capsuleers,

Since EVE Online’s original launch back in 2003, together EVE’s developers and community have led the charge in evolving what sandbox MMOs can be. The past 19 years have seen amazing events that have brought us closer together, delivered vast expansions and game-changing feature enhancements, seen careful rebalancing to bring the best quality of experience, and welcomed technological updates that keep New Eden on the cutting edge – all in service of maintaining EVE’s status as the world’s best MMO.

The tradition of continuous improvements to EVE is set to continue, on The Road to Fanfest and beyond, with plans to make New Ed...

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Economical Capsuleers,

As any seasoned pilot will tell you, upgrading to Omega gives you the full EVE experience. And from 22-to-25 April, you can get 30% off the regular price of 1 month of Omega over at the EVE store.

If you want to taste the full EVE Online experience – or make a great saving while extending your existing Omega Clone state time – this sale offers a perfect opportunity.

Omega lets you unlock double skill training speed, access advanced pilot skills, take the reins of a wide range of EVE's best and biggest ships, make use of the full contracts system of tradin...

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20 Apr


Noble Citizens of New Eden,

It is once again the time of year when we set out to assemble the next Council of Stellar Management, which will closely collaborate with CCP Games in the ongoing development of EVE Online. The democratic elections we are about to embark on are a unique tool within the gaming industry, providing unparalleled access to developers and embodying the tremendous value we see in shaping the future of the game hand-in-hand with the players who have shaped the world and history of EVE into what it is today. We cannot express enough how deeply appreciative we are for the dedication and passion the EVE community has demonstrated in the game’s nearly nineteen years, and for every invaluable player who is ready and willing to offer their time and work with us to continue improving the world’s largest living work of science-fiction!

Though we unfortunately were not able to welcome the council to Reykjavik this term for the yearly CSM sum...

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Strategic Capsuleers,

The Abyssal Proving Grounds are opening once more, and this time 1v1 strategic cruiser combat is the name of the game.

Running for 24 hours from 23 - 24 April, this Proving Grounds clash asks you go head-to-head and flex your combat skills. It’s also the perfect chance to get a feel for a newly revamped classic hull.

As part of the Road to Fanfest updates, the beloved, once mighty Proteus cruiser has been given a boost to its power and capacity, updating its performance to meet the needs of modern pilots. With that in mind, the next Abyssal Proving Grounds event will focus on 1v1 action for strategic cruisers, includi...

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19 Apr

With millions of market transactions and hundreds of thousands of explosions every day, keeping New Eden running smoothly – and still setting records after nearly 20 years – is a monumental task. Like our players, we're constantly on the hunt to push boundaries. In the last two years, we've made significant changes to the hardware behind Tranquility, resulting in almost daily records for EVE downtime (among other things). But to see where we are, it's important to look at where we've been.

Back in 2005, only 2 years after launch, EVE was already setting records as a standout single-shard universe. New Eden was generating some 1,250 database calls per second which added up to over 60 million per day! As more players came online, the servers struggled to keep up. Game features were taking over 20 seconds to load, making everyday tasks in New Eden such as warping across the galaxy, completing market transactions at the new major market hub Jita 4-4, and upgradin...

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17 Apr

Ferocious Capsuleers,

The Hunt may be almost over, but there’s still time to make your mark and pick up one of the Guristas Hunter Packs. Choose the Outlaw Hunter Pack to receive 30 days of Omega time, 50,000 Skill Points, and among other goodies, a Core Ship Operations Expert System. Use it to get a taste of your potential and instantly gain access to the ‘Magic-14’ skills for a limited time!

For more veteran Capsuleers, pick the Podhunter Pack for a package of 500 PLEX, 100k Skill Points, and more bundled alongside four new Ace of Podhunters SKINs. The SKINs are us...

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15 Apr

o7 fellow Capsuleers,

We are back with another hit of the Community Beat!

In the last episode, we covered some of the cool projects in the community – We heard some of the super cool stats to come out of the Stay Frosty Event, we saw some of the creative projects players were performing to help raise funds for Plex4Good, the Easter Egg Hunt planned later this month and our latest partner spotlights.

Happy Birthday Mining CAKE

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13 Apr

Capital Capsuleers,

A new update is now available to test on the Singularity test server bringing sweeping changes that are sure to shake the landscape of capital combat and structure defense.

For starters, the blueprints of industry components used to manufacture battleships, capitals, and supercapitals will be adjusted to lower manufacturing times and costs. Dreadnoughts, in particular, will see their costs become significantly cheaper, giving you more chances to use them in space without as much impact on your wallet.

You can find all the juicy details on the ...

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Competitive Capsuleers!

The Hunt is upon us! As part of the ongoing celebrations you’ll be able to test your mettle in an exciting new Proving Grounds, built around brutal 1 v 1 Assault Frigate combat!

As always, there’s a fresh twist to proceedings in this new event, which is scheduled to run from 15-18 April. Modules are restricted to Meta 5, but you’ll enjoy a 10% bonus to kinetic and thermal missile damage while fighting in the arena!

All Assault Frigates qualify for this new encounter, but certain modules are banned from this new format:

  • Sensor Dampeners
  • Weapon Disruptors
  • Shield Boost Amplifiers
  • Shield Rechargers
  • Shield Power Relays
  • Shield Flux Coils
  • Core Defense Field Purgers

Beyond these restrictions though, the sky’s the limit!

Missile mayhem is very much the order of the day here, so get your thinking caps on if you want to make a mark on the leaderboards!

12 Apr

Economic Capsuleers!

The Monthly Economic Report for March 2022 is now available.

You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.


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11 Apr


There has been a lot of speculation around blockchain technology, NFTs and cryptocurrency and what that means for the future of EVE Online, so I wanted to address it.

At CCP, our mission is to have the EVE Universe outlive us all: EVE Forever. One huge part of this is exploring new technologies and new possibilities - something EVE players know that I’m always fascinated by. This philosophy is rooted in EVE Online’s inception; when we created EVE, it was seen as too radical and ambitious, yet here we are about to celebrate EVE’s 19th anniversary.

Many of us at CCP have been following the new frontier that has been developing around blockchains and cryptocurrencies for the past few years. We’ve read your feedback and we also see what you see - blockchain tech has both a lot of untapped potential and a lot of work needed before being ready for EVE-scale games.

On that note, we have no plans to add blockchain technology into EVE Online’s global server Tranquility f...

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09 Apr

Tenacious Capsuleers,

The Hunt is still on! It runs until 19 April and you can still log in to claim your daily gifts and join the thrilling action happening across New Eden. Hunt down Mysterious Capsules, claim their keys, and use them to take on combat and hacking sites for rare loot.

This year features all-new capital sites for The Hunt so don’t miss out on those and don’t miss out on this exciting event!

Join the Hunt

07 Apr

Relentless Capsuleers,

The Hunt returns to New Eden for YC124. Join your fellow Capsuleers in the hunt for Mysterious Capsules found at random celestials across the cluster. Check your directional scanner and start the hunt at planets, moons, asteroid belts, and stars to uncover these colorful capsules. Crack one open to receive a key to enter one of the many Guristas Hunt sites.

Guristas Hunt Outposts can be found anywhere and are combat sites suited for tech 1, tech 2, and faction frigates and destroyers. You’ll also find Hunt Data Relay sites to complete. Both types of sites will reward you with unique loot limited to The Hunt such as the coveted C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System!

Even better, Hunt sites this year will now drop double the loot if you can secure a kill on the combat site mini boss. Data sites also have more cans to hack and more loot to get away with. There has never been a better time to hunt for loot!

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05 Apr

Heads up, Capsuleers!

EVE Online and New Eden are powering towards Fanfest 2022, and the latest round of exciting updates mentioned in the Road to Fanfest – Ever Closer blog are now live in-game, with some bonus additions based on player feedback! Structure updates that introduce more ship variety in combat, balance changes to the Rorqual, stealth bombers, Proteus, a revamp of daily login bonuses - and more - make up the latest volley in a string of updates leading up to and beyond EVE Fanfest 2022.


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01 Apr

Greetings fellow Capsuleers and welcome back to another Community Beat!

In the last Community Beat we covered the absolute carnage that was Stay Frosty’s Annual Frigate Free for All, the convergence of the Plex4Good Battleship Brawl, the jamming vibes of the EveWave, and every cartographer’s dream, DOTLAN!

We had a little bit of information come in about the Frigate Free for All – It saw roughly 100b of ISK destroyed throughout the event. We can confidently confirm that this year’s Frigate Free for All crushed the single system lowsec kill record that had previously belonged to… last year’s Frigate Free for all! This year’s Frigate free for all was the 4th bloodiest single-...

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Lovestricken Capsuleers,

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The only ship better than the friendship is the relationship and who says that relationship can’t be forged with your fellow Capsuleer? New Eden might be better known for killmails than love letters, but that’s about to change soon with Upwell Divinity Social, the new way to meet love among the stars.

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Divinity Social is a new multidimensional dating experience for EVE players, old and new. Simply log into the app and choose your preferences to meet and connect with like-minded Capsuleers from across the cluster in the world’s first MMO-centric dating app.

By leveraging EVE’s ...

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31 Mar

Generous Capsuleers,

Together we have achieved something amazing. With the PLEX for GOOD: Ukraine fundraiser now wrapped, together Capsuleers, individual EVE developers and CCP Games have raised a remarkable $501,652 USD. That money will now directly help those impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine, including the millions forced to flee their homes and lives to find safety.

The total amount will be converted to real world money and donated to both UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the ...

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30 Mar

There’s only 24 hours left to save up to 50% on select Omega + MCT packages!

Take advantage of this limited-time offer and train skills on a second character alongside your main, with both gaining the doubled training speed of clone state Omega! MCT (Multi-Character Training) is activated as soon as you purchase one of these Omega + MCT packages, so be sure to add skills to both queues ahead of time.

With Omega enabling access to all skills, ships, and modules in EVE alongside its bonus to training speed, make full use of this offer to unlock your true potential as a Capsuleer and accelerate toward your goals in New Eden!

Activate Now

29 Mar

Productive Capsuleers,

Your time is running out to take advantage of the Heavy Industry Packs in the EVE store! It’s your last chance to get the Industrial Commander Pack or the Dress to Compress Pack.

These deals expire on 31 March so act now or miss out. The Industrial Commander Pack contains 14 days of Omega, 100,000 Skill Points, 110 PLEX, an Expert Cerebral Accelerator, and the vivid Porpoise Radioactives Reclamation SKIN for just $29.99 !

For the more cosmetically-minded miner, the Dress to Compress Pack contains Men’s and Women’s AIR Clai...

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28 Mar


The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.03). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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