EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

11 May

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An entirely new weapon system with wildly different characteristics to anything seen in New Eden before, Entropic Disintegrators have no falloff range and build power over time, reaching a peak damage discharge 50% greater than their initial damage at activation.

In the hands of a skilled pilot these new weapons can prove devastating, however capsuleers will need to manage range and utilize solid tactics, as Entropic Disintegrators deactivate and discharge once their target drifts out of optimal range, resetting their damage potential.

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The Triglavian Collective possess biotechnology with the capability of altering resources and modules in the abyss. This technology takes the form of artificial mycoplasmid colonies that can be harvested from within abyssal deadspace, and unleashed on existing modules.

These mutaplasmids will alter the properties of modules in unpredictable ways, sometimes increasing their bonuses and making them more efficient, and other times rendering them less capable than before.

Capsuleers should be careful when taking the risk on potential experimentation, but the rewards for being bold could vastly increase the value of their hardware.

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A true behemoth from the abyss, the Leshak utilizes Triglavian weapons technology to boast the highest potential destructive power of any sub capital class vessel in existence.

Battleship pilots who can get to grips with piloting the Leshak will be revered on the field of battle, and feared by any capsuleer their crosshairs fall upon.

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A solid damage platform that utilizes Triglavian weapons technology, the Vedmak is a fearsome cruiser with the ability to dictate engagement range and the staying power to remain on the field for lengthy engagements.

Capsuleers who master this cruiser may be among the best pilots in the cluster.

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A staple part of the Society of Conscious Thought's expeditionary fleets, the Gnosis class battlecruiser is always in high demand. The Society will once again issue one of these to each capsuleer that holds Omega clone status, in addition to a matching XV branded anniversary SKIN.

On May 7th, these will be placed in the redeeming system of every account that's active in the 30 days prior to the fifteenth anniversary, and holds Omega account status at some point during that period.

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As part of the fifteenth anniversary celebrations, the Society of Conscious Thought will be awarding capsuleers with the Apotheosis class shuttle, plus a fifteenth anniversary XV branded SKIN.

On May 7th, these will also be placed in the redeeming system of every account that's active in the 30 days prior to the fifteenth anniversary, regardless of clone state.

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The fifteenth anniversary theme extends to this XV striped capsule SKIN, which will also be issued to capsuleers as part of the fifteen year celebrations.

On May 7th, this SKIN will be available in the redeeming system of every account that's active in the 30 days prior to the fifteenth anniversary, regardless of clone state.

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With the fifteenth anniversary celebrations, the Society of Conscious Thought will issue an all new Praxis class battleship to each capsuleer that holds Omega clone status, in addition to a matching XV branded anniversary SKIN.

On May 7th, these will be placed in the redeeming system of every account that's active in the 30 days prior to the fifteenth anniversary, and holds Omega account status at some point during that period.

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On 6 May 2003, a new universe was born.

Come along on a journey that celebrates 15 glorious years of community achievements in EVE Online. From the first characters and Corporations to the biggest player events and battles, fly through the greatest moments of the player-written history of New Eden.

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As the Society of Conscious Thought repeat their tradition of marking the dawn of the Capsuleer Age every five years, this time with distribution of their powerful new Praxis-class battleship, the Drifters raid SOCT distribution facilities in an attempt to disrupt operations on this 15th anniversary.

Defend the Society's facilities and strike back against Drifter staging points to thwart this implacable foe and recover vital Society of Conscious Thought technology.

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Join CCP Guard and CCP Falcon as they close out Fanfest 2018, with a review of the event and some information on what's coming up for the community over the course of the rest of 2018.

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The Upwell Consortium are always moving forward with their plans for space colonization. Catch up with CCP Fozzie to check out their latest offerings, a little information on how structures are being used, and what's coming up this year for Structures in New Eden.

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Take a journey with CCP Burger, CCP Myrkur, CCP Bluescreen and CCP Nobody as they take a look at the art and design of the Triglavian Collective.

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Join CCP Burger as he takes a look at the origins of the Triglavian Collective, a mysterious new race coming to EVE Online with the upcoming summer expansion, Into The Abyss.

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Join EVE historian Andrew Groen for a look into the social and political backstory of EVE Online, and a sneak peak at Empires of EVE: Volume II.

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Check out the Fanfest 2018 EVE Online Keynote with CCP Falcon, CCP Bergur, CCP Rise, CCP Seagull and CCP Hellmar, taking a look at what's coming up in the next EVE Online expansion, and over the course of 2018.

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Join CCP Guard, BjornBee and CCP's CEO, Hilmar Veigar Pétursson for the opening ceremony of Fanfest 2018, with a nostalgic look back over fifteen years of EVE Online, as well as more information on Project Nova and EVE: War of Ascension.

26 Apr

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With this release, capsuleers will be able to enjoy the release of the latest animated SKIN, as well as a little bit of history around its origins. It’s a Dramiel. Its spikes are burning. Literally on fire. In space.

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As part of The Hunt, there’ll be a number of SKINs available both as loot drops and in the New Eden Store. Keep an eye on the news and your wingmen to see the cool color combinations coming with the latest event.

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As part of the continuous work to provide solid quality of life changes and iterations, this release will see a host of small changes aimed at making the life of a capsuleer more convenient. From color coded fleet watchlists to the inclusion of ship types in broadcasts for remote repair, as well as more filters in module comparison and additional tooltips, there’s something in the March release for every pilot!