Last year, the Guardian's Gala was once again attacked by opportunistic capsuleers. This time around the Angel Cartel are back, more prepared than ever to ward off the inevitable assault. Otuwiri and Khaitetha have sworn vengeance on the capsuleers after last year's humilation and will be laying in wait for unsuspecting pilots who think they can make a quick few kredits by crashing the party.
Enjoy new challenges, visuals and content in the Guardian's Gala which will be live in-game from Feb 12th through to February 25th. The Guardian's Gala rewards you with exclusive items available only by playing and completing the event, either through the Agency reward track or the new item trading function at special event structures called Paradise Clubs.
Trade in a Gala ticket, specified ISK cost and Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls in exchange for Guardian's Gala Surprise Gifts featuring exclusive rewards! Get rare exclusive Domination, Shadow Serpentis and Deadspace modules, as ...
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