EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

18 Mar

Hard partying Capsuleers,

There are now just 48 days until EVE Fanfest kicks off in Iceland! Fanfest represents the ultimate coming together of the EVE community – a chance to celebrate our achievements, party hard, take in presentations from developers and expert players, contribute to roundtables, join some tournament play, and a whole lot more. Make sure to get your ticket!

After four years without an in-person Fanfest, this year more than ever it is also a chance to connect with your fellow Capsuleers, and...

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Please use English in this forum.

We are aware of problems with scanning. Feel free to check 3/17/22 - Singularity Updated - Rorqual Conduit Jump for further details about the current Singularity build.


This fix has been released to TQ today.

17 Mar


I’m not sure what the plans are for them, but I wouldn’t rely on Singularity as a total guide for features such as that.


Changing the name of the JPG and the Cyno are both under consideration. Very likely for the JPG, quite possible for the Cyno.

It’s also starting to feel like “Industrial” has long been an unfortunate name for EVE’s light cargo carriers as a holdover from ancient times.

We’ll see though.



This was considered but left out because we didn’t want to include the Orca (just due to concerns about this being too strong a tool for material transport). I know that may sound like an odd reason, but they’re related ships in a sense. I’ll think on it.


These things have all been considerations.

Competing with PANIC as a defensive action

The conduit jump cannot be used while the the Indycore is active - this limits the chance that they just instantly blink a fleet out to safety and should allow for tackle / dictors to get into place in most cases. If players take to sitting non-indycore rorqs in belts as an extra means of escape, that too would be a risky move as there’s a potential to zone out and be too slow (and the risk of being caught by a blue scout is high). I think in this case we’re still happy to have the rorqs out in space and capable of being caught.

Battle Rorqual Drops

Given that rorquals are more vulnerable outside of asteroid belts and FAX aren’t able to follow them through it may simply be okay to open room up for this to be a possibility (they could have done it already with recons, this is just a cheaper cyno option). A group that becomes know for doin...

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It can take up to 30 ships - only Exhumers, Barges, and the mining frigates (Venture, Prospect, and Endurance)


Hello Fellow Capsuleers,

Some time ago you saw a glimpse of plans for the Rorqual to get the ability to conduit jump with other mining ships, to help it get mining fleets into position with ease. These changes are now on singularity and we’d love for your assistance in testing them.

Along with these changes we’ve done some large scale refactoring of how the jump harmonics code works with the goal of allowing us to add and change jump functionality with ease in the future (what can portal/conduit, what ships can use which beacons, what ships can take the conduits and all such things relating to jump mechanics). Everything should continue to work as it did before, with the exception of the new Rorqual changes in this build.

As of today those changes are now on Singularity to test! You can find the new Rorqual module under the name of “Industrial Jump Portal Generator”. This module functions similarly to the Black Ops module in that it allows for the Rorqual to bot...

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I’m not on the community team anymore but you can still feel free to include me :smile:

We completely agree that T’amber’s work is awesome - it gets shared around internally at CCP too!

A community skin project with profit sharing would be amazing, but there’s quite a bit of technical and logistical work involved in making that a reality. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen one day, because it would be amazing, but it’s not a simple lift for us to make happen in the near future at least. That said, such ideas are totally on our radar as things to work towards.

Frosty Capsuleers,

Get ready to heat up your guns in Stay Frosty’s 8th annual Frigate Free-For-All[eveoganda.blogspot.com]. Head over to Ouelletta between 16-22:00 UTC on 19 March to get your hands on one of 10,000 free frigates and the EVE experience of a lifetime!

Once you arrive, simply dock up at one of Stay Frosty’s[zkillboard.com] structures to receive a ship. Then undock and enjoy the free-for-all system-wide carnage. There are no limits on how often you can ask for a new ship so use the opportunity to get better at PvP, to have fun in a new ship, or just kick back and watch the explosions.
... Read more

Frosty Capsuleers,

Get ready to heat up your guns in Stay Frosty’s 8th annual Frigate Free-For-All. Head over to Ouelletta between 16-22:00 UTC on 19 March to get your hands on one of 10,000 free frigates and the EVE experience of a lifetime!

Once you arrive, simply dock up at one of Stay Frosty’s structures to receive a ship. Then undock and enjoy the free-for-all system-wide carnage. There are no limits on how often you can ask for a new ship so use the opportunity to get better at PvP, to have fun in a new ship, or just kick back and watch the explosions.


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16 Mar

Calling all Capsuleers,

The time has come to get ready for the next round of action at the Abyssal Proving Grounds, with a 2v2 Frigate Frenzy kicking off on 18 March. Excitement and drama are assured!

This event will feature team-based frigate combat, and has been shaped to welcome Capsuleers of any and all skill levels, bringing together veteran and new pilots, as well as anyone in between.

The Proving Ground will run until 22 March and will allow use of the following ships: Punisher, Tormentor, Merlin, Kestrel, Incursus, Tristan, Rifter, Breacher, Executioner, Condor, Atron, and Slasher.

The make the event even more enticing for brand new players, module choices for the event are limited to Meta 0 base modules only. That means You can take a Warp Scrambler I, but not an Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler, for example.

As with other recent events, additional restrictions and buffs will be in place to spice up the meta:
Sensor dampeners, ... Read more

Calling all Capsuleers,

The time has come to get ready for the next round of action at the Abyssal Proving Grounds, with a 2v2 Frigate Frenzy kicking off on 18 March. Excitement and drama are assured!

This event will feature team-based frigate combat, and has been shaped to welcome Capsuleers of any and all skill levels, bringing together veteran and new pilots, as well as anyone in between.

The Proving Ground will run until 22 March and will allow use of one of the following ships per team: Punisher, Tormentor, Merlin, Kestrel, Incursus, Tristan, Rifter, Breacher, Executioner, Condor, Atron, and Slasher.

The make the event even more enticing for brand new players, module choices for the event are limited to Meta 0 base modules only. That means You can take a Warp Scrambler I, but not an Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler, for example.

As with other recent events, additional restrictions and buffs will be in place to spice up the meta: Sensor dampene...

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Ore sites, which are already bugged, can take a few days to clean out. New sites should no longer break since today’s DT.