EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

25 Mar


Hi Nora, thanks for this awesome feedback! We really appreciate you taking the time to write up how the Photon UI is affecting your playstyle. Super helpful and please check out the upcoming updates.


Hey folks, my name is CCP Junison and I’m a lead UI designer here at CCP, and part of the team that is leading the work on Photon UI.

First of all, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to look at the Photon UI and giving your feedback on it. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

We decided to create the Beta opt-in feature so we could show you projects like the Photon UI in the early stages and get your feedback earlier in the development than usual so we can act on it. Photon is very much in active development and a WIP and we look forward to continuing working on it and showing you the improvements along the way.

The primary reason why we set out on doing this project was to improve consistency within our UI and reduce cognitive load. Inconsistencies within the current UI are impacting all players and especially confusing new players. So it is important for us to create a strong foundation for our UI and out of that foundation create a design system that ...

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24 Mar

The more the merrier: Save up to 50% on select Omega + MCT packages from 24-31 March!

Take advantage of this limited-time offer and train skills on a second character alongside your main, with both gaining the doubled training speed of clone state Omega! MCT (Multi-Character Training) is activated as soon as you purchase one of these Omega + MCT packages, so be sure to add skills to both queues ahead of time.

With Omega enabling access to all skills, ships, and modules in EVE alongside its bonus to training speed, make full use of this offer to unlock your true potential as a Capsuleer and accelerate toward your goals in New Eden!

ACTIVATE NOW[secure.eveonline.com]

The more the merrier: Save up to 50% on select Omega + MCT packages from 24-31 March!

Take advantage of this limited-time offer and train skills on a second character alongside your main, with both gaining the doubled training speed of clone state Omega! MCT (Multi-Character Training) is activated as soon as you purchase one of these Omega + MCT packages, so be sure to add skills to both queues ahead of time.

With Omega enabling access to all skills, ships, and modules in EVE alongside its bonus to training speed, make full use of this offer to unlock your true potential as a Capsuleer and accelerate toward your goals in New Eden!

... Read more

23 Mar


Looks like you angered the spam blocker somehow - I’ve just tweaked your account, should stop flagging you now.

As for your email issue, I don’t have many insights myself. I would strongly recommend putting in a ticket to the GMs at https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/requests/new as they should be able to help you get your account sorted. Good luck!

If you are unable to log in you can reach support via support@eveonline...

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Correct, threads that want to discuss a specific aspect of the changes are allowed. However if people were to open multiple threads about Dscan for example. The extras will be closed and merged with the first one.

And keep in mind for any future persons reading this, all threads are to be constructive in nature. This one does a great job at that. Any threads created to bash or nonconstructive will be outright closed.

22 Mar


Just to be 100% sure I tested it - yes, the feature preview is enabled in Mac clients on Singularity (tested on M1 MBP).


Citadels have been content deniers for far too long, and I’m happy to have had a chance to work with Aurora and the rest of her team on this. This doesn’t represent all the changes I’d like to see, but it hits a lot of them. The end goal, in my view, is to make structures a force multiplier, but not a content denier, and not something that makes fleet fights on the same grid impossible.

Greetings Capsuleers,

Fanfest 2022 is quickly approaching and it’s hard to believe that in just over 7 weeks’ time, we will finally be welcoming you to the ultimate Party at the Top of the World in Reykjavík. We can’t tell you how much we at CCP are looking forward to meeting you again in person to share the exciting plans for EVE Online. As we all continue to get into the spirit of Fanfest, there’s still much to look forward to on the road to getting there. So far, the Road to Fanfest has been filled with a slew of updates including significant changes to compression, a new mysterious mining adventure added to the NPE, sizeable graphical updates, sweeping boosts to every resistance module in the game, balance changes to CRAB, and player owned customs offices (POCOs), as well as extensive updates to battleships, all of which you can read about in the ... Read more

Greetings Capsuleers,

Fanfest 2022 is quickly approaching and it’s hard to believe that in just over 7 weeks’ time, we will finally be welcoming you to the ultimate Party at the Top of the World in Reykjavík. We can’t tell you how much we at CCP are looking forward to meeting you again in person to share the exciting plans for EVE Online. As we all continue to get into the spirit of Fanfest, there’s still much to look forward to on the road to getting there. So far, the Road to Fanfest has been filled with a slew of updates including significant changes to compression, a new mysterious mining adventure added to the NPE, sizeable graphical updates, sweeping boosts to every resistance module in the game, balance changes to CRAB, and player owned customs offices (POCOs), as well as extensive updates to battleships, all of which you can read about in the ...

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Greetings, brave capsuleers!

As a part of our ongoing efforts to lay the foundations for EVE Online’s third decade and continually improve the world’s largest living work of science-fiction, we’re happy to introduce the Feature Preview system – allowing players to opt-in and engage with complex features still undergoing active development, test driving them directly in the EVE client.

Our aim is to more fully incorporate feedback into our prototypical process by allowing you access to these features early while we design them. Your invaluable feedback on past features has already allowed us to improve and shape them into better additions to EVE – and this new way of testing will allow far more exposed development, enabling earlier chances for players to express important feedback while also allowing our team to gather information on how you play EVE and what will best aid you in that pursuit.

The preview system is available on Singularity and comes to Tran... Read more

Greetings, brave capsuleers!

As a part of our ongoing efforts to lay the foundations for EVE Online’s third decade and continually improve the world’s largest living work of science-fiction, we're happy to introduce the Feature Preview system – allowing players to opt-in and engage with complex features still undergoing active development, test driving them directly in the EVE client.

Our aim is to more fully incorporate feedback into our prototypical process by allowing you access to these features early while we design them. Your invaluable feedback on past features has already allowed us to improve and shape them into better additions to EVE – and this new way of testing will allow far more exposed development, enabling earlier chances for players to express important feedback while also allowing our team to gather information on how you play EVE and what will best aid you in that pursuit.

The preview system is available on Singularity and comes to Tranquilit...

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