EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

04 Oct

03 Oct


Hello everyone,

We currently have an issue that results in the rewards from the Air Career Program not being completed as they should, even though your tasks are being completed.

The completion of the tasks is being saved and should come in sporadically over the next few minutes to an hour. We have already applied a fix that should momentarily resolve this, mark your tasks as complete, deliver the rewards and resolve this problem.


01 Oct

Enterprising Capsuleers,

PLEX is the heart of New Eden’s vast empyrean economy, providing utility, style, or simply wealth to any pilot – and there’s no better time to grab it than today, with a 15% flash sale on select PLEX packages from 1-3 October!

You can use PLEX to purchase Omega time (unlocking doubled training speed & access to training advanced skills), obtain services like Multi-Character Training (MCT) or Skill Extractors in the NES, purchase SKINs and character apparel, and can also sell any quantity for generous sums of ISK on the market.

Head over to the EVE Store[secure.eveonline.com] and enjoy all the benefits of PLEX at a discount while you can!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Enterprising Capsuleers,

PLEX is the heart of New Eden’s vast empyrean economy, providing utility, style, or simply wealth to any pilot – and there’s no better time to grab it than today, with a 15% flash sale on select PLEX packages from 1-3 October!

You can use PLEX to purchase Omega time (unlocking doubled training speed & access to training advanced skills), obtain services like Multi-Character Training (MCT) or Skill Extractors in the NES, purchase SKINs and character apparel, and can also sell any quantity for generous sums of ISK on the market.

Head over to the EVE Store and enjoy all the benefits of PLEX at a discount while you can!

30 Sep

Competitive Capsuleers!

A lot has happened since our last Alliance Tournament check-in, so let us get you up to date with what's already taken place, and what's coming up!

Trials and Main Tournament entry
All the teams that didn't get direct entry into the Alliance Tournament this year submitted silent bids to buy into the tournament. This has given us a list of teams that will be battling it out in the arena over the next few weekends in the Trials Tournament!

Trials Tournament Teams Ah Hail Nah Rusty Hyenas Clan Bright Side of Death Scary Wormhole People Electus Matari Seriously Suspicious Exodus. Shadow Cartel Goonswarm Federation Shut Up I am Trying HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGE NINJA AssAssIn SQUAD eSports Singularity Syndicate Hisec Miners Snuffed Out H... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Competitive Capsuleers!

A lot has happened since our last Alliance Tournament check-in, so let us get you up to date with what's already taken place, and what's coming up!

Trials and Main Tournament entry

All the teams that didn't get direct entry into the Alliance Tournament this year submitted silent bids to buy into the tournament. This has given us a list of teams that will be battling it out in the arena over the next few weekends in the Trials Tournament!

Trials Tournament Teams
Ah Hail Nah Rusty Hyenas Clan
Bright Side of Death Scary Wormhole People
Electus Matari Seriously Suspicious
Exodus. Shadow Cartel
Goonswarm Federation Shut Up I am Trying
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29 Sep

Decisive capsuleers,

Tensions continue to mount as the empires fight over the legacy of the Triglavian Collective’s invasion of New Eden. The race is on to gain understanding and advantages with the potential to shift the balance of power and catapult New Eden toward new & unprecedented frontiers. Not only those involved in Factional Warfare, but all capsuleers are called upon to take part – from combat pilots to explorers, industrialists, and more. This is your moment to make a difference!

In recent months, each of the empires have sounded a clear call to action, exhorting their respective militias’ capsuleers to assist in capturing and holding territory key to their ongoing efforts. The Amarr and Minmatar are currently pursuing Triglavian Stellar Transmuter technology, with the Caldari and Gallente focusing their attention on separate unidentified tech initially recovered by EDENCOM from a hidden Triglavian installation on the surface of Athounon V. Both repr... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

I replied to your bug report about this with additional questions, as I cannot reproduce this so far on my machine. It would be great, if you could provide additional details.


Tranquility is fronted by Cloudflare’s DDoS protection and TCP proxy and so always has the same address across world, tranquility.servers.eveonline.com //, but you are routed to the nearest Cloudflare colo.


On the one hand, please see my post above ...

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Decisive capsuleers,

Tensions continue to mount as the empires fight over the legacy of the Triglavian Collective’s invasion of New Eden. The race is on to gain understanding and advantages with the potential to shift the balance of power and catapult New Eden toward new & unprecedented frontiers. Not only those involved in Factional Warfare, but all capsuleers are called upon to take part – from combat pilots to explorers, industrialists, and more. This is your moment to make a difference!

In recent months, each of the empires have sounded a clear call to action, exhorting their respective militias’ capsuleers to assist in capturing and holding territory key to their ongoing efforts. The Amarr and Minmatar are currently pursuing Triglavian Stellar Transmuter technology, with the Caldari and Gallente focusing their attention on separate unidentified tech initially recovered by EDENCOM from a hidden Triglavian installation on the surface of Ath...

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Hello all; posting a status update even if not much has changed. We haven’t forgotten about this issue, we are still working on this matter, but since we don’t have contractual leverage then we are trying to influence the parties involved to improve the internet and this is moving slowly.

The issue has been identified to lie between Deutsche Telekom and Cloudflare involving a carrier called Lumen (previously known as Level3 and CenturyLink) and a saturated carrier link.

CCP has a contractual arrangement with Cloudflare for DDoS Protection and various other services and then with various carriers (but not Lumen) for network traffic between CCP and Cloudflare. CCP doesn’t have contracts with Deutsche Telekom or Lumen and not with Cloudflare as pertaining to external network traffic and routing.

Deutsche Telekom doesn’t peer directly with Cloudflare but we have been encouraging that such direct peering be established since we have seen that resolve issues such as t...

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