Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

17 Jul


Originally posted by IfUTeplyUrDumm

Yeah, if you look through the comments others called them out before he removed that part of the comment

No I didn't, I forgot the word twice and edited that in.

I'm literally posting this on a Saturday, why would I say we never work weekends?

Our support staff work in shifts 24/7, but our core development team work Monday-Friday, so if we can avoid pulling them in on a weekend, we really try to do that.


Sometimes I can't quite believe how good you've all gotten at this game. :')


Ahh, I think they must have accidentally scheduled the bottom twice :(

Have alerted the team, thanks for letting us know

16 Jul

15 Jul


Originally posted by Gabrosin

Is the game working on a pathway to open up exclusive/semi-exclusive/legacy costumes to players who have otherwise missed them? It would be nice to be able to obtain something like Dark Knight or Crash Test Dummy through normal means.

I'm all for having unique costumes with a period of exclusivity that can be obtained through challenges or contests, but hopefully these things aren't locked away behind those barriers forever. Something as simple as being able to get Mastery Pass skins through the shop in future seasons would be a welcoming step for newer players.

At the moment, we like that they have more exclusivity and value to our earlier players so we currently don't have plans to bring previous fame path costumes back, or earlier exclusives. It might not be that way forever, but that's how we're currently looking at it.


Originally posted by CardboardTable

It's stuff like this that they really should axe if it makes the season come out quicker. It's cool and all, but who really cares? If the time and resources that went into this went into level/costume design, QA etc, maybe we'd already be in season 5 by now.

The time and resources that went into this are from the marketing team, none from the game team, so it had no effect on level/costume design, QA, coding, etc


Originally posted by A_Person-named-Ian

Are the bugs going to be addressed in the stream?

No, but we'll post a bugfix list on twitter/reddit/discord around release

14 Jul


It's aimed at people who haven't had chance to finish the fame path yet - to give them an opportunity to zoom through it with half as much grind before the next season starts. When you're in our hardcore community, you see a lot of people who have completed the season pass, but the actual percentage is pretty low. We want as many people as possible to get the fame path content as there's currently no other way to get legacy fame path content once a season ends.


Originally posted by BryGuy610

I'm waiting for this too...My kid asks me every day if I heard anything.

Latest news was that it wouldn't be summer anymore, no more news yet unfortunately!