Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

13 Jul


This is now fixed :)


The team have been made aware and I've sent over these comments, hopefully sorted soon!!

12 Jul

11 Jul

10 Jul

09 Jul

08 Jul

07 Jul

06 Jul


Originally posted by Mavarik311

Yes you should thank me for the feedback because I’m not bootlicking and pretending everything is fine when every patch things break more. see that’s the problem you take everything personally when no one is personally attacking you. I don’t know you personally I just know you’re doing a terrible job as community manager. You don’t Communicate. You still haven’t apologized for screwing up this weekend. You would rather accuse your players of just being made for wanting to crown farm when they are mad you put in a RNG show as a half assed fix. Sorry but part of your job is taking the hits when things go wrong. That’s part of any job that deals in what is essentially customer service. You could just do a better job. That would solve a lot of problems. But no. You attack your own community and blame them for things that should have been fixed months ago and you probably wonder why your playerbase is on life support. You are doing a bad job and need to find something better suited to y...

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"see that’s the problem you take everything personally when no one is personally attacking you."

but also just in this one response...

"you're doing a terrible job as a community manager"

"you don't communicate"

"you could just do a better job"

"you are doing a bad job and need to find something better suited to your skills"

"all you do is deflect blame"

"be a man"

"people are pissed at you"

"You need to face facts that you and your team are a major part of the problem"

and then your other responses...

"you run the twitter like a high school intern"

"Oliver is a terrible community manager"

"he treats it like a joke"

"he needs to go"

"you attack your own community"

"oliver doesn't care"

Cool, thanks for the feedback, and for not personally attacking me.