Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

03 Jul


Originally posted by UncatchableCreatures

Then maybe get the live content designer to talk to the level designer instead of having them be seperate entities, where the level designer makes something with intent, and the other has the ability to compeltely misunderstand how the game is suppose to be played and break it. I realise you're the community director, but you should be able to pass this feedback to them, no?

I've passed all the feedback along, but there isn't time to address it before the show ends unfortunately. This was the only solution they had time to do.

We do all talk to each other and discuss this stuff but the show was designed months ago and scheduled up. It probably looks like a really quick and easy fix, totally get that, but unfortunately it's a lot more complex than it seems.


- We've done weekend fixes before when it's CMS issues and not an actual new build, obviously we try to avoid either of those things

- The gold medal comment was from one of the level designers, the show was designed by one of the live content designers, we're a big enough team now that it's different people looking after different areas

- I can't think of a single thing we've entirely ignored before, I'm not sure why you have that perception

- The show was broken... I didn't tweet about it so that it didn't draw more attention to the bug

- I didn't tweet that it had been fixed either, because people are upset that they didn't get to farm crowns while it was broken


Originally posted by JDDimensions

Dang that must suck i get that devolving is hard and that it takes knowledge to know what to do but what was the reason for only giving 1 person the crown now in HH than yesterday where Everyone got 1?

Yesterday it was broken - it was supposed to be just 1 person

Today, it's been fixed, and is now working as was intended

It was fun while it lasted but had to be fixed


There's different levels of fixes

- CMS fixes, which don't require a new build of the game to roll out on both PS and PC at the same time

- Client fixes, which require a new build, which then needs to be QA'ed, submitted, and then pass through Sony's testing

- Server fixes, which don't require a new build, but are bigger than CMS fixes

CMS fixes include things like: Renaming a costume, swapping a costume in the store if it was missed off or incorrectly featured, changing the featured show, changing the newsfeed, etc...

Client fixes are anything that happens within the game itself, on your local computer - so this includes changing geometry in levels, changing artwork, changing costumes, fixing UI bugs, fixing gameplay bugs, physics... etc...

The HH bug is a CMS bug, which meant it was one of the more easily fixed ones.

When you talk about bugs that have been around for a long time - they're much more complicated. If there was...

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