Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

16 Jun


I appreciate your entry! Hello to your Fall Guy! Lovely bright colours that you've chosen for the background :D good luck and thank you for participating!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


GAMING!!!! Really cute and bright use of colours! Love how the Fall Guy is slightly facing us and the perspective you've used. Thanks for entering the contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Your fallsona is so cool! Love the nonchalant hand in the pocket, and the expression on their face! Lovely drawing - thanks for making it, and good luck in the art contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Hahaha I just made an Owen-Wilsony style woooow noise when I saw this - this is so amazing! It's so animated and I can almost see it as a still from a stop motion video! The Fall Guys are done really well, and you have definitely incorporated the theme really clearly. Great work and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Beautiful human renditions of these characters. The soft pastels are a gorgous choice, and the expressions and faces are really lovely. I'd totally get a print of this, lovely art - thanks for entering and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


OMG LEGO! WHAT A GREAT CHOICE OF MEDIUM! I love that you smooshed together your Minecraft and Fall Guys characters, and that you did it perfectly symmetrically. Great work, thanks for entering the contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


HAHA! This is great!!! You've imagined this excellently and your details are brilliant. The costume choices are excellent (the high-waisted fitness fiesta pants are a no brainer for this eheheh) and the two fall guys playing at the front are fab! Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Originally posted by The_Official_table

Thanks Bee! It's awesome that you comment on every single entry! I really appreciate it!

Hehehe my hands hurt but it's worth it, everyone has made a lot of effort and it means a lot to me!


EXCEL? YOU MADE THIS IN EXCEL??????????????????????????????????? THAT IS SO COOL!

This is a really lovely imagining of a crossover and the Magic Dragon looks so good, how the heck you managed to do that in a literal SPREADSHEET is another thing! Thanks for your creative entry, and good luck in the final judging!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


I love monopoly and I love how much time you've taken to make an actual board! I love the details here and the fact you've mirrored a monopoly board so well. Chill Day instead of Free Parking is lovely! Well done and you did great - thanks for your entry, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


STONKS!!!! Your colouring is really good and the panels are strong. The middle frame manages to say a lot with such little speech needed haha, I really like your style! Thanks so much for entering the contest and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


You did great! Wilson is incidentally the best brand of tennis ball - not saying the Fall Guys world is a tennis ball but, I mean, it does look like one SO...

Imaginative, and you've used the full space of the paper so well. Colouring is great and concept is strong - thanks for entering, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


A really cute piece and a creative and resourceful way to show Perfect Match! Your clay bean is great - thanks so much for making this, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


THIS. IS. EXCELLENT. THE SOUND IS EXCELLENT. THE MOVES ARE HILARIOUS. THE ART IS FANTASTIC. You spent so much time on the details here and I appreciate it so much. Excellent animation and thanks so much for submitting it! Good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


SOOOO CUTEEE! Beautifully minimalist, such a clear art style and really joyous to see. The pinks are so soothing and the little lines off the crown a brilliant detail. Thanks so much for entering the contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)



So many details here - the shelf is full of goodies (love the Bert, of course, and the goose!!!) and the Bulletkin on the bedside table is so cute. The lighting from the TV is beautiful and realistic, and you've just done so well - thanks for entering the contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


LOVE the idea of a Fasll Guy actually being the console! Such a good use of that costume. Love the joy in the face of the winning Fall Guy and you've set up a brilliant scene (cute cushion!) thanks for entering the contest, and good luck in the final judging!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Love Kong and Godzilla! Lovely crossover, with such an intersting and warm art style - love the textured/granular detail to your piece, and tje proportions of the costumes. Really unique and brilliant to look at. Thanks for entering the contest, and good luck in the final judging!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


POOR BEAN!!!! Hahahaha! A well thought-out series of panels here for a good comic strip that tells a clear story. Thanks so much for submitting your work, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This absolutely took my breath away. I have looked at this about 90 times. There are SO. MANY. DETAILS. SO MANY. The more you look, the more you see. I don't even know where to focus as everything about it is so beautiful and makes us really happy. The Cursed poster, the Slushy under the computer, THE FACT THE KEYBOARD ONLY HAS W AND O LETTRES!?!?! Yeetus headphones!?!?! PEOPLE IN COSTUMES INSTEAD OF FALL GUYS????????

AMAZING WORK. Thank you for entering. Good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)