Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

16 Jun


HAHA WOW I LOVE THIS! Your Dragon is so cool, your art style is so interesting - everything feels shiny and inflated, which is actually what we also try to do with a lot of Fall Guys obstacles etc. The poor Burger at the bottom is hilarious but your victorious bean just takes the cake. How cool would it be if this actually happened after a FM dub?! Great work and thank you for entering; good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Cuuute! I love your hex-a-gone background, and also the outfit combination that your bean wears! The controller is great, and I am so impressed that you are a GOLDEN KNIGHT! Wow! Thank you so much for your art, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


OH WOW WHAT A FUN MEDIUM!! This has brought me such joy. Your Fall Guys look excellent, and your tiny little controllers still pack so much detail! Oddly enough my favourite parts are your speakers and sound-systems. The way you've imagined this set-up is fantastic. Great work, and thank you for entering! Good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Goodness me - where can I begin. Your Fall Guys are wonderfully accurate - I LOVE the lighting that you've chosen (coming from the front) as it makes the piece so effective. My favourite door that you've done is definitely Hades - with good ol' Lernie! And even with those great doors - you still managed to capture the poor Fall Guy picking the wrong door and going bonk against it. Great work - thank you so much for entering, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Thanks so much for entering even though you only just learned about the contest before the deadline, I appreciate your work! Your proportions are excellent and the scene that you've imagined is excellent, your use of cross-hatches on your Magic Dragon is really effective, and the way you've drawn the fire is really good! Thank you for your work, and good luck in the contest!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Oh wow - once again, your daughter knocks it out of the park :). I LOVE the "ok" from the bean in the bottom left, haha! The scene she has imagined is so rich in detail, you can clearly see her imagination running here and that is so lovely. I like that the (pelican?) is making friends with the fall guy opposite, that is so sweet! Great work from her once again, and thank her for entering. I hope she has had fun!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Originally posted by Sunny_2013

Dear CM,

If you see this, please ignore my previous two entries for the contest, 'cause this one is her latest and her favorite of the three. Thank you!

Excellent, this is fantastic, and I have seen your message! :)


Holy guacamole.

Oh wow.

This genuinely made me a little emotional - you've brought our characters to life in these games in such an incredible, creative, and accurate way. Each art style that you've done is meticulous and true to the original game. Gris looks spectacular - that is not an easy art style to replicate by any means. Your shading and lighting on DOOM is fantastic. Your flat and effective use of colour on Goose Game is amazing (hi bert). The spilling-over bean in Cuphead is so animated. Well done - thank you for entering, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


OH WOW WOW WOW! Where do I begin!!! First of all - I'd totally play this JRPG. I am so in love with the wand on your Magic Girl witch - it reminds me of Card Captors a little, and I love the golden egg! The sword with the yeetus-inspired pattern on your Knight is awesome. Bert, of course, captures my heart. Fantastic Art Style and the Dark Knight that you've envisioned has so much character - great work, thank you for entering and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Oh wow, I can see the time that you've spent on this and your colouring is wonderfully meticulous! I love the way you've done the shadows with the dark pen, and the glow on the crown is super even and striking! Well done, thank you for entering - and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Excellent mod!!! I love seeing how many FnF fans there are here, and your Fall Guy is completely accurate with a great blend of FnF's art style and ours - and I can also really see YOUR art style in the Fall Guy, Long, and your music/soundscaping is really well done :D thank you for entering and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


WOW your art style is awesome! I love the lack of outline and how string your shapes are, and the lovely gradient to your sky! That is such a good crossover costume too, excellent concept and well executed! Thanks for entering, and good luck :D

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Originally posted by -mauricemoss-

If they already gave the skins out i think theres something wrong since i dont have the dark knight skin yet, and ive been checking every 3 hours since i won it

You do now, sorry that yours is late! Hope it brings you many crowns :)


Originally posted by mini_wiener_dog

I know in the art contest post, someone asked if winners will be based on upvotes and trichoglossusbee answered:

No way. I'll look at every single one, and when I announce winners here say why I chose them.

That being said, I don't know if that means upvotes have zero factor on judging. I think it just means don't assume you automatically can't win because your post wasn't "popular".
Please, Please, Please, don't let your upvote count get you down. There are so many factors that can contribute to low upvotes. Some times due the time of day, or amount of posts being uploaded, means your post can get buried and not be seen as much as others. It's not a reflection on your talent, creativity, and hard work. Keep your chin up and be proud of your work.

Absolutely. The upvotes are not factored into my judging :) to make it super clear! Upvotes can definitely indicate "this is a cool post" but also sometimes low-upvoted posts contain absolute gems, which is why I am disregarding it!

15 Jun