Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Originally posted by KingOfTheRhodeIsland

how did smt like yours win?

how long did you spend on it

Every winner here should be super proud of their work, as should all who entered. Please try to be less negative about things others have spent a lot of time on.


Originally posted by cubeydoom

Disappointed :/ Oh well, my congrats to winners.

You did really well Cubey and it was super tough, thanks so much for taking part!


Originally posted by Textrixa


How many winners will there be next time?

I think next time I will make categories and go from there :D so maybe around 40?

Hey there, beans!

I have checked all entries about ninety times. I've shared them with colleagues, showed them to my family and friends, and you've brought me a lot of happiness over the past two weeks with your creativity and amazing supportive attitude to each others work. Thank you so much for that.

Before we start, I want to recap the parts of my original post that pertain to the (albeit minimal) terms of this contest:

  • MUST be Fall Guys related (of course!)
  • MUST...
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SO CUTE. I don't accept bribes, but if I did, I would accept a Bert. Your felt work is so amazing and always takes my breath away. Thanks for submitting into the Art Contest, and good luck :D

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Still so excellent and well made! I have only just noticed the crown is glittery - that is so fantastic. Lovely bit of work, thanks for submitting it to the art contest and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


GET SLIMED! This is a well-done board and almost looks ready to print :D. The BERT squares for the station are awesome, and Free Crown is a great replacement for Free Parking! Thanks so much for entering the art contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is mammoth. You've made JS incredibly well and I can imagine how long this took (I love building in minecraft but you lose days to it)! Top-tier and very creative, and a great merge of the two games. Thanks so much for your entry, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is super adorable and I can't believe it's your first full drawing - you have great ability! Love the block colours that you've used, and your perspective is excellent. The switch controller is really well done! Thanks so much for entering, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is super lovely. That is what Gaming means to me, too. Through the pandemic it helped me keep in contact with my friends and family in such an easy, and fun way. I love it! These are all gorgeous and your nameplates with the geographical locations on are so wonderful. Thank you so much for your entry, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is such a good mixture of little works of art, isn't it?! Not that "EM PTY SPA CE LOL" isn't one of the highlights or anything, but the Bowser is incredible, the Pac Man (And lil ghosty Fall Guy) is adorable, and BOWSER EATING THE FALL GUY OH NO!!!!

Love these, thanks so much for spending time on them, and good luck :D

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is so, so beautiful. Such a classic medium for such a modern painting, but your brush style is still timeless. The colours are a great mix of muted and vibrant, and the lighting excellently done. Fantastic work and you are clearly a talented artist!

(Just going over all art entries again to make sure I've seen eeevery single one, yours I actually looked at so early on, and is incredible. Thanks so much for entering!)


Your style is excellent and adorable! Love the carpet of Goombahs at the bottom, and the framing of this piece is wonderful. Vibrant, playful, and creative - everything we love to see!!! Thanks so much for your entry, and good luck :D

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Oh YES IT IS! This is a lovely imagining and a really good edit, the framing is really good and the way you've made Chell the clear focus is awesome. Love the skirt pairing as welll. The portals are brilliant - lovely work, thanks for submitting it :D and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


This is really nice!!! A really fun Crossover - haven't seen many Valorant crossovers yet actually so this really did make me smile :D. Love the position that the character is in as well. I did like this! Thanks for entering and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


I would totally get that cosmetic lol! Really good idea and well done on the editing for it as it is very clean! Thanks so much for entering the contest, and good luck with your entry!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


Awesome!!! Love the Switch Box, and the Mario X Luigi Fall Guys beans are excellent! The Xbox is also so great, and the scene you've imagined is very complete. Lovely style - thanks so much for entering the contest, and good luck with your entry!!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)


NOBODY WOULD EJECT BERT!!! I love that you've got a sus Fall Guy bean over there, and that you've made so many brilliant hats for your Among Us beans! Your modelling is so clean, and Bert looks excellent. Great work and a fun scene! Thanks for entering the contest, and good luck!

Beep-boop! I'm not a bot but I am going through ALL entries into the Art Contest to show OPs that I have seen their entry! Contest is now closed, and results will be on the subreddit no later than 23:59 BST on the 16th of June (today!)