Fall Guys

Fall Guys Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by LazyPhilosopher95

I really love our bean community <3

Sames <3 very thankful for you beans


Originally posted by LazyPhilosopher95

The recent art contest on here has brought out such creative, fun stuff! People deserve to be recognised for their efforts! It’s cool that things get shared on other platforms but stealing and trying to pass it off as your own crosses a line.

And I had the same reaction. That person has thousands of followers, too! It must be so disheartening for smaller, up-and-coming creators.

Our bean friends deserve better!

100%! And yeah, the art contest has filled my heart with joy!


The account that shared it is a big account too - and I was shocked because it was only posted by /u/longcx724 really recently. I even double took like "No way is this person lurking our sub for memes" but alas. They are.

I agree with your message.


Originally posted by TheHormone-Monster

But, what constitutes gaming? Does the fall guy have to be literally playing a video game?

To be frank, the theme is quite vague and you can make anything “gaming” as long as a fall guy is in it because it is from a video game.

I expect all things to be Fall Guys related, so the best pieces will go the extra step to showcase something else Gaming related. There are users who made Fall Guys into chess sets for example, or concepted monopoly boards, or did crossover Fanart with other game series, showed Fall Guys playing a game together, etc. There are other potential examples in my post but realistically there are many avenues you could go for!


Originally posted by Suspicious-Start-171

Any kind of art, sculpture, painting, or anything like that, but remember, the theme is GAMING

Yep! I am even open to 3D things, animations, gifs, Macaroni stuck to paper, - art is art :D


So many amazing entries already! I will comment on each and every one over the weekends!




Originally posted by ThinkFree

Thanks, I hope so too. I feel bummed out not getting my crowns back when others got theirs.

Tagging u/trichoglossusbee for help.

You'll have a note back from CS soon, that was a mix up on their side but your crowns will indeed be returned :)


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Thanks, I hope so too. I feel bummed out not getting my crowns back when others got theirs.

Tagging u/trichoglossusbee for help.

Hey there - seems something got mixed up there for sure. Just checking and will be back!

01 Jun


Originally posted by _Clicky_

u/trichoglossusbee I've been seeing alot of submissions that arent "Gaming" themed, And just normal FG drawings, Will these be counted? /gen

Winning pieces will clearly fit the theme of gaming. How well they fit the theme will be an aspect of judging:

Technical ability is not necessarily the be-all and end-all of this brief. Ultimately I will be looking for artworks that spark joy, clearly have the theme of 'GAMING', and uses imagination


Originally posted by BossOfAllDinosaurs

Are multiple artworks in one picture allowed? Like a collage?

That would be OK, I will judge them all as a group combined instead of individually if that makes sense, so I will see it as one piece mentally!


Originally posted by Suspicious-Start-171

Bee, can I use a video instead of a drawing?

Like, make an animaition



Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

This is the first time I have seen this happening, and I have tears from laughing

I mean I have sent this on but I have honestly watched it about 10 times wheezing


Originally posted by Leather_Wrangler_660


We can't replicate this our side, all of our report buttons have text, could you contact support: https://support.fallguys.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?